Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1125
P. 35

6                                                                                Londra Gazete, Thursday 29 October 2020

                                                                       Government spending budget set

                                                                               to be published next month

                                                                        LABOUR         Rishi Sunak will
                                                                      set out a one-year review of the
                                                                      government's spending plans next
                                                                      month as he seeks to tackle the
                                                                      economic crisis caused by corona-
                                                                        The Treasury has announced
                                                                      a 2021-22 Spending Review will
                                                                      be published on 25 November, as
                                                                      the government prioritises its re-
                                                                      sponse to COVID-19 and strives to
                                                                      protect jobs.
                                                                        It had previously been expected
                                                                      that the government would set out
                                                                      a multi-year spending review, but   the UK by setting budgets for next  the NHS, schools and infrastruc-
                                                                      those plans have been thrown off   year, with a total focus on tackling   ture.
                                                                      course by the coronavirus crisis.  COVID and delivering our 'Plan for   "We'll make sure these areas cru-
                                                                        Mr Sunak said: "In the current  Jobs'.
                                                                      environment its essential that we   "Long-term investment in our   cial to our economic recovery have
                                                                      provide certainty.             country's future is the right thing   their budgets set for further years
                                                                        "So we'll be doing that for de-  to do, especially in areas which are  so they can plan and help us build
                                                                      partments and all of the nations of  the cornerstone of our society like  back better."
           Lockdown pressure grows after

              highest death toll since May                            Sir Keir Starmer involved in road collision with cyclist

            THERE       were 367 deaths    However on Wednesday morn-   POLICE       are investigating a  under caution.            added.
           linked to the virus recorded on  ing the environment secretary,   road collision involving Sir Keir   They added that the male cyclist   The Met Police said it was alerted
           Tuesday 27 October, and nearly  George Eustice, who is doing the   Starmer, which saw a cyclist taken  suffered a minor injury to his arm  by the London Ambulance Service
           23,000 more cases.           interview rounds on behalf of the   to hospital.             and was taken to hospital by ambu-  at about 12.20am to a report of a
            It said that the SAGE scientists  government, has said tiered re-  The Labour leader is understood  lance "as a precaution".  collision between a cyclist and a car
           including chief scientific adviser  strictions for local areas have been   to have been driving in the Kentish   A  spokesman for  the  Labour  in Grafton Road.
           Sir Patrick Vallance are pushing  introduced in a “timely way” and a   Town area of north London when  leader said: "Keir was involved in a   "The driver of the car had stopped
           for stricter lockdown rules that ap-  national lockdown is “not appro-  the incident happened around  minor road traffic accident on Sun-  at the scene and exchanged details
           ply nationwide and argue that the  priate”.                midday on Sunday 25 October.   day. "He spoke to a British Trans-  with the cyclist but had left before
           whole country will have to be put   Dr Yvonne Doyle, medical direc-
           under the strictest restrictions by  tor of Public Health England, last   A spokesman for Sir Keir said he  port  Police  officer  who  attended  officers arrived," the force said in a
           mid-December.                night warned the rising death toll   stayed at the scene until an ambu-  the scene and swapped details with  statement.
            The forecast being circulated  from Covid-19 was likely to 'con-  lance arrived and reported the in-  the officer  and the other  individ-  Officers from the Roads and
           through Whitehall predicts deaths  tinue for some time' because of the   cident at a police station later that  ual  involved."  "Since  the  incident,  Transport Policing Command were
           will hit 500 a day and 25,000 peo-  spike in cases. It can take infected   day. The Met Police said the driver  Keir  has  also  been  in  touch  with  investigating the collision, the
           ple could be in hospital with the vi-  patients several weeks to fall se-  was not arrested nor interviewed  the other individual involved," he  statement added.
           rus by the end of November, caus-  verely ill, meaning the consequenc-
           ing Britain's Covid curve to look  es of Britain's spiralling outbreak
           like a 'lampshade'.          are only just starting to be seen.  Post-furlough unemployment 'hits young and ethnic minorities'

                                                                                                                                      The think tank's report found
                                                                                                                                    that while more than half of those
         Home Office: Migrant minimum                                                                                               who had  been furloughed had re-
                                                                                                                                    turned to work, a third were still on
              salary lowered by £10,000                                                                                             full or partial furlough last month.
                                                                                                                                      Only 43% of those who had lost
                                                                                                                                    their jobs since March had found
          MINISTERS        have quietly   Experts who spotted the change                                                            new work by September.
         made changes to the £35,800 min-  said it was the “final nail in the cof-                                                    For young people the figure fell
         imum salary for migrants to settle  fin” for the Conservatives’ target to                                                  to 33% and for those in hard-hit
         in the UK, the Home Office has   get annual net migration down to                                                          sectors like hospitality and leisure
         confirmed.                    tens of thousands.                                                                           it was 36%. Kathleen Henehan, a
          Under the rules for Boris John-  The £35,800 salary threshold                                                             researcher at the think tank, said:
         son’s new points-based immigra-  was introduced in 2011 by Theresa   POLICE       and ethnic minor-  population.  The  Treasury  said  its   "The first eight months of the
         tion system published on Thursday   May when she was home secretary   ity workers were more likely to be  wage support schemes had helped   Covid crisis have been marked by
         22 October, the threshold will be   as part of the effort to meet the   made  unemployed  post-furlough,  to protect millions of jobs.  an  almighty  economic  shock  and
         lowered to £25,600.                                          according to a new report.       The government's Job Reten-  unprecedented support that has
          Unskilled migrants on salaries of   commitment set by David Camer-  A survey of about 6,000 adults by  tion  Scheme  initially  covered  up  cushioned  the impact  in terms of
         £20,480 but with enough points to   on – something the Government   the Resolution Foundation found  to 80% of an individual's wages if  people's livelihoods. "But the true
         qualify to take jobs in the UK where   was never able to achieve.  19% of 18-24 year olds who were  they were placed on furlough and  nature of Britain's jobs crisis is
         there is a shortage of workers, will   Oxford University’s Migration   furloughed during lockdown were  unable to work. But Chancellor Ri-  starting to reveal itself."
         also be entitled to settle after six   Observatory, which identified the   unemployed in September.  shi Sunak began winding down the   "Worryingly, fewer than half of
         years  and  become  citizens.  The  change in the 507-page rulebook,   For black, Asian and minority  scheme from September and it will  those who have lost their jobs dur-
         rules will come into force on De-  said it was “the final nail in the cof-  ethnic workers the figure was 22%,  be replaced with the less generous  ing the pandemic have been able to
         cember 1.                     fin of the net migration target”.  compared to 9% for the general  Job Support Scheme next month.  find work since," she added.
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