Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1125
P. 38
Londra Gazete, Thursday 29 October 2020 3
IAKM : This year our theme is Day-Mer: “Parliament has
“JUSTICE AND WOMAN” sentenced children to starvation”
DURING the coronavirus
pandemic, Manchester United foo-
tballer Marcus Rashford's became
problem and that is the most im- a star not only for his sporting skill
portant responsibility for Alevism. but for his dedication in calling for
On the other hand, the problem an end in food poverty.
of injustice is the most important With 1.4 million disadvantaged
problem in our age. children in England alone he was on October 21, voted at the end of
Violence against women’s, femi- able to get the government to chan- the day and approved 1.4 million
cide are problems of justice at the ge its stand on food vouchers over children to go to bed hungry. With
the summer holidays; however, as
same time. Unfortunately, every children have returned to school and the votes of 322 deputies from the
day we see the fact that the justi- face the school half terms a call to ex- ruling Conservative Party, the requ-
ce system works in favour of the tend the support was voted against est to provide food to children on
strong, not the right in our country in Parliament. The Turkish and Kur- holidays was not accepted... The con-
and all over the world. Alevis are dish Community Solidarity Center servatives, who refused to provide
free meal support that only covers
still seeking justice in the Sivas, (Day-Mer) expressed support for the the school holidays, have once aga-
Gazi, Maraş, Çorum Massacres and campaign and said, "We condemn in demonstrated that the support
dozens of others still await to see the government that distributed packages they have made so far are
this justice served. The reason that sacks of money to the capital during necessity outcomes and are repre-
violence against women, massacres the epidemic period, condemning sentatives of the capital...
children to starvation." Day-Mer,
and oppression against Alevis have who participated in the protest held As Day-Mer, we condemn the go-
gone unpunished is that the justice in front of the Number 10 on Satur- vernment's starvation of children by
system is failing or even destroyed. day, October 24, made the following distributing sacks of money to the
In previous festivals, together statement: “The Conservative Party capital during the epidemic period,
THIS year the England Ale- Woman”. As violence against wo- with everyone who regards the rejected the “End child food poverty and we call on all our people, espe-
vi Cultural Centre and Cemevi man’s day by day continues, milli- world with love, peace, equality and – no child should be going hungry " cially our members, to participate
in this campaign. Let's support the
(IAKM), with be holding their 10th ons of woman’s have taken to the brotherhood, united their hearts campaign run by the union and po-
Alevi Festival virtually. Having street for the search of their rights. with the traditional Alevi Festival, liticians together with Manchester campaign carried out by campaign
groups, unions and school administ-
United's young player Marcus Ras-
been bring the members of the In a statement IKAM chair Zey- where they mingled with joy, sin- hford. The parliamentarians, who rations to prevent children from go-
community together for the past 9 nel Akdogan said: “Alevism is ging songs. The festival, which will discussed the Labour Party's motion ing hungry...”
year this year due to the coronavi- always against all kind of violence be published online this year, will
rus pandemic they will taking the and empowers women. We live in host many valuable artists, acade-
festival into everyone homes. a world where women are harassed mics, journalists, writers and poli-
This year IKAM has chosen the on the streets, on public transports ticians and contribute to the world
main theme of this year’s festival and at work. Alevism wants to of Alevis and action in line with the Crowdfunding page set up to bring
as “Justice and contribute to the solution of this universal values of the world.”
Fatma Kaşıkcı body home
A crowdfunding campaign
Mesut ozil backs free school has been launched for 24-year-old
Fatma Kaşıkcı who sadly lost her life
meals campaign in a traffic accident on the evening
of Sunday, October 18, in North Cy-
prus. Fatma, who lives in London,
was travelling in the direction of
Famagusta on the Nicosia - Fama-
THIS Mesut Ozil has shown schools in London. who normally receive free meals
his support for Marcus Rashford's Manchester United forward Ras- during term time if their parents gusta Highway in North Cyprus on
the October 18, around 9pm local
campaign to end child food poverty hford has campaigned for the go- receive welfare support. time the car she was driving hit the
by providing 1,400 free lunchtime vernment to provide food vouchers Ozil has joined with Barnet Sun- concrete electrical transformer. As
meals for the rest of the week to during school holidays to children day Football League (BSFL), chef a result of the accident, Fatma, a
Stefan Peppert and German Chefs mother of two children, died at the
Catering in Knightsbridge to pro- scene. Fatma family have started a
vide meals to 12 schools in Barnet donation campaign on "justgiving.
and surrounding areas. com" to bring Kaşıkcı's body to Eng-
On Tuesday, the BSFL and scho- land. Campaigning for £15,000 to
ols posted pictures of the meals on bring her body back for a burial in
Twitter, with Ozil's logo featuring the UK. In an update posted on the 4, & son Aras aged 2. How do you tell
on the boxes. page her mother Ayse Kaşıkcı said : these gorgeous kids that their mum-
“We are still struggling to process my isn’t coming home?? :-( Your
"We are very grateful to Mesut
Ozil and Stefan Peppert for get- that our beautiful Fatma is no longer donation will help pay for Fatma’s
with us. A daughter, mother, sister & funeral & support her two children.
ting involved with our initiative, dear friend, our Fatma, 24, tragically Thank you” To the donation cam-
and the volunteers on the project died in a car crash in North Cyprus paign you can visit: https://www.
who have worked tirelessly throu- on 18 October. Fatma was full of life.
ghout," a BSFL representative told She lit up the room with her cheeky fatma-kasikci?fbclid=IwAR2R31j-
talkSPORT. smile & bubbly personality. MxM_6voUqY8IOGRUHPJoOB-
"We have raised over 3,000 poun- She had a heart of gold. She lived Ya6Tbpk97248Hldpk2iUc8OijVr-
ds so far, with 1,400 meals per day for her two children, daughter Sera, M1I
prepared and delivered to schools."