Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1125
P. 32

Londra Gazete, Thursday 29 October 2020                                                                             9

                                                                        New coronavirus test gives results
             High intake of vitamins A, E and D
            linked to ‘fewer respiratory illnesses’                                         'in just 12 minutes

            HIGH      intakes of vitamins A,  such as asthma and pulmonary dis-  A       Covid test that can provide
          E and D are linked to fewer respira-  ease.                 a result in 12 minutes will be made
          tory illnesses, according to a study,   Overall, there were 33 cases of   available  at  high  street  pharmacy
          with experts calling for more re-  respiratory complaints, and re-  Boots.
          search into their effect on COV-  searchers found vitamin A and E   The nasal swab test, which will
          ID-19.                       from  both  diet  and  supplements   cost £120, will be available in se-
            It comes soon after a separate   was associated with a lower likeli-  lected stores in the UK to people
          study found 82% of 216 coronavi-  hood of them being reported.  who are not showing symptoms.
          rus patients in a Spanish hospital   The researchers in the latest   The company says the aim is to
          had a vitamin D deficiency.  study, including from Imperial   offer customers peace of mind.
            UK Health Secretary Matt Han-
          cock has ordered a review into vita-  College London, said their work   Anyone in the UK who thinks
          min D's effect on the disease, after   supported the hypothesis that sup-  they have symptoms should stay at
          previously saying it appeared to   plementation is "critical" for some,   home and contact the NHS to book
          have no effect.              and  that  diet  alone  is  often  not   a Covid test in the usual way.
            The latest study involved 6,115   enough.                   The technology has been devel-
          adults, with people self-reporting   They recommended further work   oped by LumiraDx, which has also
          their vitamin intake and any res-  "to assess the implications of the   struck a deal to provide supplies to
          piratory problems.           current study in the context of the   the NHS in Scotland.
            Illnesses included chesty coughs,  current coronavirus disease" pan-  Trials  suggest  it is  accurate
          as  well  as  long-term  conditions  demic.
                                                                      enough to identify cases, although,
                                                                      like any Covid test, there are some
                                                                      false results meaning they are not   Other rapid tests, which give re-  Speedy and comprehensive test-
                                                                      100% reliable.                 sults within 90 minutes, are also  ing is thought vital to efforts to
                                                                        The Lumira tests, due to lauch at   being trialled by the NHS.  contain the second wave of the
                                                                      50 Boots stores in November, take   Prof Paul Hunter from the Uni-  virus while the world waits for an
                                                                      minutes to give a result, analysing  versity of East Anglia said while  effective vaccine.
                                                                      a nose swab sample on the spot, via  the test could give peace of mind at   But figures released last week
                                                                      a small, portable machine.     the time it was taken: "A negative  showed that just 15.1% of peo-
                                                                        Anyone who tests positive should  test today tells you nothing really  ple are currently receiving results
                                                                      then isolate to avoid spreading the  about whether you are going to be  within 24 hours through the offi-
                                                                      infection to others.           positive a day or two later."  cial system in place in the UK.

                                                                       Fears over 'weakening' of UK green watchdog

                                                                        CAMPAIGNERS        fear that  But they now want to grant them-  nise environmental policy and law,
                                                                      the legal body designed to protect  selves powers to “advise” the new  investigate complaints and take
                                                                      the environment on behalf of cit-  body.                      enforcement action against public
                                                                      izens is being undermined by the   These plans were revealed in a   authorities where necessary.
                                                                      UK government.                 tabled  amendment  to  the  Envi-
         Antibodies 'fall rapidly after infection'                      Ministers promised that af-  ronment Bill.                    But  Greener UK’s  concerns are
                                                                      ter Brexit, laws on air, water and   Critics fear ministers may coun-  echoed by Dr Stephanie Wray
          LEVELS  of protective antibod-  so far.                     waste would be policed by an inde-  sel the OEP against taking the  from the environmental consul-
         ies in  people wane "quite rapidly"   In the first round of testing, at   pendent Office for Environmental  government to court if it breaches  tancy RSK.
         after coronavirus infection, say re-  the end of June and the beginning   Protection (OEP).  laws.                           She told BBC News: “The gov-
         searchers.                    of July, about 60 in 1,000 people   Previously,  these laws  were en-  A spokesperson said; “The Envi-  ernment says the OEP should fo-
          Antibodies are a key part of our  had detectable antibodies.  forced by European courts, which  ronment Secretary will not be able   cus resources on the most serious
         immune defences and stop the vi-  But in the latest set of tests, in   prosecuted EU governments that  to intervene in decision-making   cases. But this assumes that it is
         rus from getting inside the body's  September, only 44 per 1,000 peo-  breached green rules.  about specific or individual cases.
         cells.                        ple were positive.               Ministers promised the OEP     “The Bill will also ensure the new  only big, high-profile cases that
          The Imperial College London    It suggests the number of people   would be similarly independent.  body will have the power to scruti-  seriously affect the environment.
         team found the number of people  with antibodies fell by more than a
         testing positive for antibodies has  quarter between summer and au-
         fallen by 26% between June and  tumn.
         September.                      "Immunity is waning quite rap-
          They say immunity appears to be  idly, we're only three months after
         fading and there is a risk of catch-  our first [round of tests] and we're
         ing the virus multiple times.  already showing a 26% decline in
          The news comes as figures from  antibodies," said Prof Helen Ward,
         the Office for National Statistics  one of the researchers.
         show that the number of Covid-19   The fall was greater in those
         deaths in the UK rose by 60% in  over 65, compared with younger
         the week of 16 October.       age groups, and in those without
          The ONS figures suggest there  symptoms compared with those
         have now been more than 60,000  with full-blown Covid-19.
         deaths involving Covid-19 in the   The number of healthcare work-
         UK.                           ers with antibodies remained rela-
          More than 350,000 people in  tively high, which the researchers
         England  have  taken  an  antibody  suggest may be due to regular ex-
         test as part of the REACT-2 study  posure to the virus.
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