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An Olive Tree to people in need

A London-based foundation that offers a branch to people in need around the world

An Olive Tree to people in need


A London-based foundation that offers a branch to people in need around the world

web well (1)

Olive Tree Education FoundationThe Olive Tree Education Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation working with Islamic youth and others to educate and make them aware of bad habits like intoxication, gambling and the prevention of these happening in your life.

It organises lectures and seminars on these subjects and also fundraises for people in need in Africa and other third world counties.

The organisation helps people by opening water wells helping them to work in farming by supplying with the technology. It also helps in education and nourishment by organising Qurbani campaigns every year.


Olive Tree’s Eid celebrations are designed to bring families together. Since 2011 it has invited professors for education seminars on topics such as “21st Century illnesses and medicine in Islam”

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It also has a visiting professor to Oxford University and a professor from Cambridge University for our lectures.

Our fundraising event for Syria saw us sending clothes and medical equipment to be used by the people who were in need.

In recent months the Olive Tree Education Foundation has been organising seminars on each month starting from August 2014. Last Ramadan, it held several events from our people benefited.

Follow the foundation on Facebook and its website, from where followers can register for regular email updates. The Olive Tree Education Foundation is run by volunteers who are fully committed to help people in need.

African tractor project

Our African Tracker Project aims to provide equipment that can be used by a community in Africa.

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The tractor will be provided to an area with no agricultural machinery and where currently only human and animal power is being used to farm the land. This will dramatically increase productivity of the soil.

The tractor can be rented out at a rate of approximately £80 per day, for ploughing or to transport goods for building with the 10 Ton trailer. This will provide further funding for projects such as the development of field irrigation systems and water pumps.

This is an exciting and highly beneficial project as it will provide sustained aid for a considerable amount of time.

Bangladesh Qurbani camapgin

Bangladesh has a population of over 150 million people. It is one the world’s most density populated countries with approximately 50% living below the poverty line. As well as the local Bangladeshi population, Olive Tree visited the refugee camps which held numbers as high as 50,000 people.

web qurbani (2)

This project was carried through the charity Hasene, and a volunteer of ours was able to see first hand the distribution of the aid.

Mauritania well project

Olive Tree raised funds to set up a water well in a village in the West African state of Mauritania.

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The project was a runaway success and received this message of thanks from the local community: “The well in Guinea-Bissau has finally been completed, Alhamdulillah.

“The well was dug in the courtyard of a mosque and I have been told that normally the water from wells in the area have to be filtered before consumption but the quality of the water from our well is far superior so no filtering is required and many people from the surrounding area are queuing for their drinking water from our well.

“May Allah reward you all and may we all meet at the well of Khawthar and drink from the hands of our beloved Prophet.”

[otw_shortcode_info_box border_type=”bordered” border_color_class=”otw-silver-border” border_style=”bordered” background_color_class=”otw-silver”]Contact Olive Tree

The Olive Tree Education Foundation is based in North London and organises regular events throughout the year.

Telephone: 07827 666 944


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