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Tag: usa

JULIAN Assange’s extradition to the US has moved a step closer after a court order. Westminster Magistrates’ Court has formally issued an order to extradite the WikiLeaks founder after years of legal toing and froing. Home Secretary Priti Patel will need to approve the order, although defence lawyers may yet...
Fully vaccinated travellers from the US and EU can now arrive in the UK without having to isolate. The new rules came into effect at 4am on Monday but they have not yet been met by a reciprocal easing of restrictions for travellers from the UK. The new rule applies...
Downing Street has insisted the UK will get “first access” to a coronavirus vaccine developed by Oxford University amid reports that Donald Trump is considering fast-tracking its approval. Oxford University’s vaccine, currently being developed with pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, is considered one of the leading candidates among more than 100 teams vying to produce one. The White House is considering...
The US has become the first country to record 2,000 coronavirus-linked deaths in a single day. There were 2,108 deaths announced among Covid-19 patients in the past 24 hours, data from Johns Hopkins University’s tracker shows. According to the tracker, the death tollin the US stands at 18,777, just short of Italy’s total of 18,849, which...
The UK government has “urged all parties to de-escalate” after the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in a US airstrike in Iraq. He was killed on Friday in a strike ordered by US President Donald Trump. Major General Qassem Soleimani, the architect of Iran’s intelligence and military operations abroad, was...
US Democrats have opened a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump over claims that he sought political help from Ukraine. The decision by top Democrat Nancy Pelosi follows growing demands from her party. She said the president “must be held accountable”. Mr Trump has denied impropriety and argued that...
An outbreak of respiratory disease in the US, where five people have died, is blamed on lax controls and illicit fluid Health experts have moved to reassure British vapers in the wake of a severe respiratory illness that has killed at least five people and hospitalised many more in the US....