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Tag: household

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced a ban on household visits. Sturgeon said the Covid-19 restrictions would come to force from tomorrow. “We intend, as Northern Ireland did yesterday, to also introduce nationwide additional restrictions on household gatherings, similar to those already in place in the west of Scotland,”...
THE price cap on so-called default energy tariffs will begin on 1 January,which wil save 11 million households up to £120 each. The industry regulator stated that the price cap would collectively remove about £1bn from the bills of customers which were being overcharged for their gas and electricity. Ofgem...
THE Reverend Paul Nicolson, of campaign group Taxpayers Against Poverty, has pledged the council to ensure housing for the 4,000 of the borough’s homeless families presently housed in temporary accommodation. In a letter to council leader Cllr Joseph Ejiofor and members of the cabinet, he asserted that the council had...
ACCORDING to recent announcements, rental properties in Enfield have become costly, as rental costs have increased and outpaced household income boost. Outcomes from Shelter outline that rental costs within England have increased incredibly in comparison to household incomes since 2011. Alongside the housing charity urging on the Government to construct...
WELFARE payments are turning the clock back to the 1950s and allowing abusers to control family finances, MPs say. Under Universal Credit, payments are made to one person per household, often leaving abuse victims and their children dependent, a report by the Work and Pensions Committee said. One abuse survivor said she...
As a result of the Brexit vote, households have been affected by £900, asserted by the Bank of England governor Mark Carney. The Brexit vote to leave the European Union has decreased growth by “up to 2%”, he explained to MPs on Tuesday. Though, there is a possibility it could...
Mark Carney has claimed the Brexit vote has left households £900 worse off, describing the sum as “a lot of money.” The governor of the Bank of England made his remarks while giving evidence of a committee of MPs, stating his belief that the effects of the EU referendum in...
Food and household goods were the only sectors to see volume sales go up.