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Tag: delay

Children across London will be able to contour travelling on buses for free until next spring travel. Plans to cuts free travel for children in  children will not be cut until next spring, the head of Transport for London (TfL) has revealed. The zip card scheme was due to be...
MATT Hancock has admitted there are “challenges” with the coronavirus testing system following a “sharp rise” in demand. Speaking in the House of Commons on today, Mr Hancock said the government was “working hard” to fix issues with COVID-19 testing availability but admitted it could take a “matter of weeks”....
Brussels has agreed the need for a Brexit extension but will not make a decision on its length until next week. The development comes after Boris Johnson launched a fresh bid to hold a general election on 12 December, aimed at ending the stalemate at Westminster. Meanwhile, Downing Street has...
MPs have voted 322 to 306 to delay Brexit for a second delay. UK PM Boris Johnson says he will put bill on deal to leave EU to MPs next week, in attempt to avoid delay More to come…
France today said the EU will not agree a Brexit delay beyond October 31 amid claims Boris Johnson will defy the law and ‘sabotage’ an extension if he is unable to strike a deal with Brussels. Jean-Yves Le Drian, the French foreign minister, said the Brexit meltdown in the UK...
MPs have backed a bill to block a no-deal Brexit, which could trigger Boris Johnson to seek a general election. Opposition MPs and Tory rebels ensured the bill passed its first stage by 329 votes to 300. If it is passed in full, it will force the PM to ask...
THE first phase of the HS2 high-speed railway between London and Birmingham will be delayed by up to five years, Transport Minister Grant Shapps says. That section of the line was due to open at the end of 2026, but it could now be between 2028 and 2031 before the...
Theresa May has written to the European Union to request a further delay to Brexit until 30 June. The UK is currently due to leave the EU on 12 April and, as yet, no withdrawal deal has been approved by MPs. The prime minister has proposed that if UK MPs...
Customs checks at the border after the U.K. leaves the European Union could cost 1 billion pounds ($1.3 billion) a year and cause delays for goods being shipped in both directions, according to a report by Oxera, an economic consultancy.
The inconclusive outcome of Britain’s snap election will complicate and probably delay Brexit negotiations that were due to start next week, a leading credit rating agency has warned.