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Tag: award

Renowned Turkish actor Haluk Bilginer received an International Emmy Award for Best Performance by an Actor for his role in Şahsiyet, in which he plays Agah Beyoğlu – a serial killer diagnosed with Alzheimer’s who will eventually lose all his memories. “Be sure that the society we’re living in doesn’t...
Cyprus Paradise has been presented with the Gold Award. “Winner of Best Small Holiday Company to East and Southeast Europe” in the 2018 British Travel Awards. An “Around the World in 80 Days” themed gala event held at Battersea Evolution, London on 28th November unveiled the crème de la crème of...
The Duchess receives a white rose from seven-year-old Matilda, while the Prince makes a “pinky pledge”. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex met the winners of the WellChild awards, which aim to recognise the achievements of youngsters with serious health problems and the medical staff who treat them. Matilda Booth,...
Enfield Council has become the first local authority in the UK to receive a top award for its work in sustainably sourcing cooking and serving food. The council restaurant received a three-star award from the Sustainable Restaurants’ Association (SRA) which showcases innovative and inspirational practice and measures serveries against strict...
Cycle Enfield beat off stiff opposition from organisations including Hackney Council and Transport for London to win the Best New Cycling Project for the regeneration work taking place along the A105 earlier this month. Enfield Council’s Leader, Cllr Nesil Calışkan, said: “For the London Cycling Campaign to issue this award...
RAY JAMES has been list on the New Year’s Honours for his services to adult social care.
THE WINNER of the award, given by BCS (The Chartered Institute for IT) at the 2017 UK IT Industry Awards, was given to Aykut Sadi, a Turkish businessman.
Turkish Cypriot Sıla Uluçay has been awarded with a globally acclaimed Oxford University award for research, in the wake of her extensive success throughout her MPhil journey at the faculty of Modern Middle Eastern Studies.