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Labour calls for community support

Labour calls for community support

alambritis west kervan web 2

Leader of Merton Council Stephen Alambritis and Labour Party candidate for MP of Hornsey and Wood Green Catherine West and candidates for Haringey Council Peray Ahmet and Emine Ibrahim have met with a group of Turkish, Kurdish and Cypriot businessmen and other representatives of the society.

The dinner organized by Londra Gazete was held at the recently opened Kervan – Gökyüzü Restaurant in Wood Green. Hosted by the manager of the restaurant  Veysel Yavuz, was attended by businessmen Mustafa Topkaya, Erdal Aktaş, lawyer Serpil Ersan, director of the Suleymaniye Cultural Centre Dr. Hakan Yıldırım, Cyprus Community Centre Executive Board member Hüseyin Osman, head of the Haringey Traders Association Şefik Mehmet

alambritis west kervan web 1

Merton Council leader Alambritis expressed his satisfaction with the dinner, saying he has many friends from Turkey and Cyprus. He also demonstrated his active support for the candidacy of Catherine West and her election campaign. Reminding that he has been the chairman of the Federation of Small Business for many years, Alambritis emphasized the significance of Turkish and Cypriot entrepreneurs to the national economy. Originally a Greek Cypriot, Alambritis said that in an era of economic recession that is negatively affecting  small businesses, it is encouraging to see enterprises like Kervan-Gökyüzü being established.

Recognizing that there were many Turkish and Cypriot residents in her area candidate for Hornsey and Wood Green Catherine West, stated that she was aware of the pressing problems in the area and that she would  be working hard to solve these issues. Claiming that the increasingly poor economic environment affected immigrant-dense areas like Wood Green the most, West called for the Turkish and Cypriot community’s support in her campaign.

MP Candidate for Hornsey and Wood Green Catherine West, leader of Merton Council Stephen Alambritis and director of the Haringey Traders Association Şefik Mehmet

MP Candidate for Hornsey and Wood Green Catherine West, leader of Merton Council Stephen Alambritis and director of the Haringey Traders Association Şefik Mehmet


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