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Memorial Held for Atatürk

A CONFERENCE AND MEMORIAL has been held for Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, in the 77th year of his passings anniversary in London.

Memorial Held for Atatürk
Emekli Tuğgeneral Dr. Haldun Solmaztürk.

 Dr. Haldun Solmaztürk.

A CONFERENCE AND MEMORIAL has been held for Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, in the 77th year of his passings anniversary in London.

Almost 200 people attended the conference which was held in London last week. Retired General Dr. Haldun Solmaztürk, who was a speaker at the conference spoke to guests at De Vere Venues. Alongside him, guests included Turkish General Consul  Emirhan Yorulmazlar and his wife Ayşegül Yorulmazlar, TRNC London Representative Ülkü Alemdar and Gallipoli and Dardanelles International Head John Crowe were among important listeners.


A minutes silence was held to remember and pay respect to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his fellow soldiers, followed by the singing of the Turkish National Anthem. The conference then began with a speech from Head of Remembering Canakkale Platform Servet Hassan. Servet Hassan expressed the Turkish nations love and respect for Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and reminded guests that will keep his legacy and his memory alive and in their hearts forever.


Selda Durmuş.


Following Servet Hassan’s speech, Turkey’s London Consul General Emirhan Yorulmazlar also gave a short talk. He said: “The most treasured legacy from Atatürk is the Republic of Turkey and that as a Republic, it is taking firm steps towards becoming a developed country. The country, in it’s 100th anniversary of becoming a Republic will have become a democracy and a country that is followed by example in human rights and laws.

Following the speeches by Mr. Hassan and Mr. Yorulmazlar, the conference began with a presentation from Dr. Haldun Solmaztürk prepared to display his speech. The presentation which included some thoughts on the Great Leader Atatürk and while promoting his own books, he explained that the winning of the war for Turkey becoming a Republic certainly was not a coincidence.

Retired General also explained that Atatürk has been turned into a statue, that tere is no issue with the public in Turkey, if anything there is a board that sees the public as invalids. Following his speech, Solmaztürk answered questions as part of his Q and A and took photographs with the guests as keepsakes.


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