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Arena victim’s mum ends 200-mile walk over new law

Arena victim’s mum ends 200-mile walk over new law

The mother of a Manchester Arena bombing victim is set to conclude her 200-mile (321km) trek to Downing Street to insist a law tightening security at public venues is introduced.

Figen Murray, whose son Martyn Hett was killed in the 2017 attack, set off from the arena at 11:00 BST on 7 May.

She said she had waited 18 months since Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told her in a phone call that he was supportive of Martyn’s Law, which has yet to get beyond draft stage.

The Home Office said it was in the final stages of drafting the legislation adding, “we are grateful to Figen Murray for her tireless support of this issue.”

Mr Hett was one of 22 people killed after suicide bomber Salman Abedi detonated a homemade device at the Ariana Grande concert on 22 May 2017.

Ms Murray is expected to meet with Mr Sunak and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer later, with the end of her 16-day journey to number ten, marking the seventh anniversary of her son’s death.

She said she wanted to look Mr Sunak “in the eye” and call for the law’s implementation.

Plans for a law aimed at improving counter-terrorism measures at venues and in public spaces were included in the Conservative manifesto in 2019, and the 2022 Queen’s Speech.

A consultation on a bill for Martyn’s Law closed in March, with the results being considered by the government.

It would require venues and local authorities in the UK to have training requirements and preventative plans against terror attacks.

Ms Murray has been joined by numerous supporters including the husband of murdered MP Jo Cox and Charlotte Dixon Sutcliffe, whose husband David was killed in the Brussels Metro bombing in 2016.


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