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YTB’s Overseas Turkish Youth Camps dates announced

YTB’s Overseas Turkish Youth Camps dates  announced

“Overseas Turkish Youth Camps,” a cultural mobility program jointly organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), aiming to bring together young people living abroad.

The dates announced for the boy cmap iwll be during First session: July 22-27, 2024, at Istanbul Marmaracık Youth Camp and Second session: August 19-24, 2024, at Rize Fındıklı Youth Camp.

While the girls will take place First session: July 29 – August 3, 2024, at Istanbul Marmaracık Youth Camp and Second session: August 26-31, 2024, at Rize Fındıklı Youth Camp.

Accommodation, food, and cultural excursions will be provided by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Travel expenses to Turkey will be supported by YTB, based on the following allowances upon presenting tickets: for UK travellers taking part there will be a support amount of £150 available per person. Other European countries and neighbors to Turkey will receive up to 150 USD; other countries up to 250 USD.

Transfers will be organized from Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport and Istanbul Airport on July 22 and 29, 2024. For the Rize Camps, transfers will be arranged from Rize Airport on August 19 and 26, 2024.

To be eligible for the youth camp you have to be: Must be a Turkish citizen or eligible for a blue card, Must be living abroad, Age between 18-25, First-time participant in YTB cultural mobility programs, No health issues preventing participation., Commitment to attend all activities, Commitment to stay at the designated camp area, Consent to use of photos and videos by YTB and GSB on social media and Cannot apply for more than one camp simultaneously.

YTB run a number of programes throughout the year included: Evliya Çelebi Youth Bridges, Young Leaders, Diaspora Youth Academy, History Academy,  Writing Academy, Media Academy, Turkey Internships and Teknofest Support Program for Participants from Abroad.

To apply you need to email by May 31, 2024. Applications must be submitted online via the specified address, with complete and accurate information.

Required Documents included: Fully completed application form, Proof of residence abroad, Photo ID/passport or residence card.

Successful applicants will receive an email notification, confirmation of participation is required within 3 days of notification. Participants must arrange travel to the designated airports in Istanbul or Rize, transfer plans from airports to camp locations will be shared with participants.

For more information about the camp you can visit or enquires via the YTB email



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