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Bozca-Der held its traditional breakfast

Bozca-Der held its traditional breakfast

Established 15 years ago, BOZCA-DER organized its traditional breakfast, where regional meals are carefully prepared and served free of charge to its members every Friday. The breakfast took place at the association’s building on Friday, April 12th, and it attracted the attention of members and guests.

The fundamental philosophy of BOZCA-DER, summarized by President Turabi Keskin saying “To keep our community together in the UK and contribute to our cultural life,” was highlighted during the event. Keskin explained the most important reason for being together as follows: “To prevent our young people, who are our future, from being influenced by all kinds of negative lifestyle habits and to prevent their drifting away.”

BOZCA-DER, widely known for its intensive and dedicated work, raises generations that shed light on the future through its cultural and educational activities, becoming a center where community members share their joys and sorrows and seek solutions to their problems.

Aiming to enhance social and cultural relations among compatriots and increase solidarity, BOZCA-DER holds the distinction of being the largest among compatriot associations operating in the UK.

It is estimated that there are around 3,000 residents of Bozhüyük and Camiliyurt villages, consisting of approximately 700 families, throughout the UK. Bozhüyük, once one of the most populous villages in the Gürün District until the 1940s, experienced significant emigration in the following years, with a significant portion of its population moving to major cities such as Istanbul and Izmir. Many residents of Bozhüyük also migrated to European countries, with London being one of the cities with the highest number of migrants from this village.

The officials of Bozca-Der extended special thanks to the members, sympathizers, guests, and sponsors who participated in the event.



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