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Young student’s Art Exhibition held at Tottenham Hotspur

Young student’s Art Exhibition held at Tottenham Hotspur

On Tuesday 16 April children, families and community members celebrated together at the Children Group Art Exhibition organised by London Alevi Cultural Centre and Cemevi (IAKMC) at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.

The young students have been taking part in art classes run by Teacher Nida Yanikoglu Cergelat the Tugay Hurman Art Workshop centre at the IAKMC headquarters in Wood Green, London.

Over 50 pieces were on put on show for attendee to view, created by young students ages 6 to 16 years old proudly display their art work, ranging in colours, style and concepts.

IAKM Chairman İbrahim Has welcomed guest attending the event stated “We celebrated and honour the artwork of our children displayed here today, it has been a year long process under the leadership of teacher Nida, that were have are able to enjoy them with you all.”

Adding “One of the best ways to express yourself and your feelings is Art, to understand themselves and nature while understanding themselves they are able to grow their confidence and culture…”

Has also thanked everyone that helped aid the lessons included the children’s mothers and of courses the biggest thank to our dear teacher to has helped guide our children along this journey.”

Teacher Nida said “Thank you for joining us together, I’m so happy to be here with you all. Each of my students hold a special place for me and thank you to our parents and once again thank you for being here today.”

Also attending the event were local mayors, Enfield Mayor Suna Hurman and Haringey Mayor Lester Buxton meet with the young students at the exhibitions. where family, friends and community members all were able celebrated the young students achievement at the stadium on the special evening.




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