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Wanted man 80, arrested at Heathrow after 27 years on the run

Wanted man 80, arrested at Heathrow after 27 years on the run

An 80-year-old man who has been on the run for 27 years has been arrested at Heathrow Airport, police said.

Richard Burrows was arrested on Thursday after returning to the UK from Thailand, a spokesman for Cheshire Police said.

He has been remanded in custody and is due to appear at Chester Crown Court on Tuesday.

The force said he has been wanted since December 1997 when he failed to attend Chester Crown Court to face trial for two counts of a serious sexual offence and 11 counts of indecent assault.

The charges relate to the sexual abuse of children which is alleged to have occurred between 1969 and 1971, reported to have taken place at a children’s home in Congleton, Cheshire, and in the West Midlands.

Detective Inspector Eleanor Atkinson, from Cheshire Police, said: “Our determination to locate Burrows has not faltered over the past 27 years and his arrest marks a significant step forward in this case and the beginning of closure for all those involved.

“I also hope that his arrest acts as a warning to any other wanted suspects – demonstrating that no matter how long you hide, we will find you and you will be arrested.”

Efforts to locate Burrows since his disappearance included a Crimewatch appeal in 1998.

Duncan Burrage, National Crime Agency international liaison officer in Thailand, said: “Utilising our international network and working closely with Cheshire Police colleagues, we have been able to track down a fugitive wanted in connection to extremely serious allegations.”


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