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REVIEW 2014: BRITAIN: Claim in Britain, live in Turkey

MORE THAN 400 people in Turkey and Cyprus have been investigated for fraudulently claiming benefits in the UK, figures have revealed.

REVIEW 2014: BRITAIN: Claim in Britain, live in Turkey






Originally published 14 August 2014

MORE THAN 400 people in Turkey and Cyprus have been investigated for fraudulently claiming benefits in the UK, figures have revealed.

According to data issued by the Department for Work and Pensions, the cases of 7,296 Britons abroad were looked at in 157 locations around the world.

The largest number of suspects – 769 – were in Spain, the top tourist destination for British tourists, although Turkey came third on the list with 298.

Cyprus was 10th with 126 cases.

The Department said the fraud totalled £82 million in 2013.

Most instances of so-called “abroad fraud” involved claims for pension credit (£48m), housing benefit (£11m), sickness and disability benefits (£15m) and income support (£8m).

But many people were also guilty of failing to inform the Department for Work and Pensions before leaving the country, or of staying abroad for too long.

South Wales couple William Bunce, 54, and Berwyn Jones, 50, fraudulently claimed more than £140,000 in benefits while living in Malaga, Spain, but were convicted in June and sentenced to four months in prison, with an order to pay back the full amount.

“They said they didn’t have partners and were unfit for work, but were actually enjoying a life of luxury together in Spain,” said the DWP spokesman.

Richard West, head of the DWP’s counter-fraud teams, said the cases ranged “from people hiding foreign assets and homes to those moving abroad, either temporarily or permanently, at the taxpayers’ expense.

He continued: “Benefit cheats need to know that even if they are out of the country, our teams will still investigate and, where necessary, bring them back to the UK to face justice.”

Welfare minister Mark Harper added: “We’re clamping down on fraud – both at home and abroad – so money goes to those who need it most, rather than lining the pockets of criminals sunning themselves overseas.

“We’re toughening up the system and working more closely with foreign authorities so we can bring benefit cheats to court and make sure they’re appropriately punished.

“More fraudsters are realising there are no hiding places when you break the law.”



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