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Turkish academic Orhan Ekren laid to rest in İzmir

Turkish academic Orhan Ekren laid to rest in İzmir

The 48-year-old Prof. Dr.Orhan Ekren, who resided in Milton Keynes, was last spotted near London’s Camden Market on November 26. Police teams ramped up their search efforts after his backpack was discovered near Regent’s Canal, close to London Zoo, the day after his disappearance.

On December 15, a man’s body was pulled from the canal after officers were called to the scene. Police teams sent photos of the body to the family for identification, and two days later, it was confirmed that the body belonged to the Turkish academic by his family.

The ceremony took place at Yazıbaşı Merkez Mosque in his hometown of Torbalı, İzmir, where his family, including his wife Banu Ekren and children, were joined by İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Cemil Tugay, Torbalı Mayor Övünç Demir, and numerous academics. Following the funeral prayer held after the noon prayer, Prof. Dr. Orhan Ekren was interred at Yazıbaşı Cemetery.

Prof. Dr. Orhan Ekren moved to the UK with his family in 2021, initially serving as a visiting lecturer at Cranfield University before transitioning to work in the energy sector. On November 26, Ekren was reported missing in the Camden area of London. His phone last pinged near Regent Canal, but initial search efforts yielded no results. On December 15, his lifeless body was discovered during a canal clean-up operation.

Prof. Dr. Ekren was well-known in İzmir for his work in energy efficiency and sustainability. He was an active member of the Turkish Chamber of Mechanical Engineers and continued his academic and professional endeavors in the UK.

His sudden loss has left his family and the academic community in deep sorrow.

Prof. Dr. Orhan Ekren will be remembered for his significant contributions to the scientific community and the lasting impact of his work.


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