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Study: Quarter of gamblers have increased habits over past year

Study: Quarter of gamblers have increased habits over past year

A quarter of gamblers have increased their habit over the last year, with those aged under 35 three times as likely to be spending more, according to research.

Almost half (46%) of all under-35s are now gamblers, with one in three of them (30%) admitting their habit has increased over the last 12 months, according to the Health, Wealth and Happiness Index by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) for life insurance broker LifeSearch.

Just under a third (32%) of all Britons gamble, and 23% say they have increased their habit over the past year

On average, under 35s who gamble spend £43 a month but one in six (22%) spend more than £75 a month.

One in 12 (8%) spend more than £100, costing them at least £1,200 a year, the survey found.

On average, 58% of people with a household income of £100,000 a year or more gamble, and of those 45% have increased the amount they gamble over the past year.

In comparison, 32% of people with a household income of between £20,000 and £30,000 gamble, and of those 16% have increased their habit.



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