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Semra Eren-Nijhar published a new book

Semra Eren-Nijhar published a new book

Author, sociologist and artist Semra Eren-Nijhar’s new book ‘Anlat Patara’ has been published.

‘Anlat Patara’ is the first poetry book of Eren-Nijhar, who is internationally known for her works on migration, expatriates, women, cultural heritage and literature-culture.

The book, which consists of two parts, was written in reference to the world-renowned Patara beach, the 11 miles, unspoilt Patara is Turkey’s longest beach found in today Gelemiş in Kaş/Antalya, but known as the ancient city of Patara(Lycia).

In this book of poems, Eren-Nijhar said she gave a voice to Patara by blending historical information with her own world of dreams and thoughts,  by combining her feelings and intuitions with a creative style, she turned it into a mutual dialogue with Patara.

‘Anlat Patara’ can be obtained from all bookstores and internet bookstores.

Who is Semra Eren-Nijhar?

Semra Eren-Nijhar left Oxford University in 2001 and founded SUNCUT Consulting and Production Company and has been its manager since 2001.

Eren-Nijhar, who has served as a consultant in the House of Lords, has worked on migration, women, Turkish migration in Europe, identity, belonging, memory, racism and art for over thirty-three years. Eren-Nijhar, at the same time, identified her sociological studies with art and presented them within the framework of different techniques, making her research results reach a wider audience. Taking photographs especially for personal portraits and biographies, Semra Eren-Nijhar opened photography exhibitions in England, Belgium and Turkey and curated many exhibitions.




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