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Young entrepreneur and successful makeup artist: Selen Gümüş

Young entrepreneur and successful makeup artist: Selen Gümüş

Selen Gümüş, a Turkish Cypriot, born and raised in London, is now of just 17-year-old young entrepreneur and successful make-up artists, who’s rapidly moving towards becoming a social media phenomenon.

Currently, studyıng law, sociology and media at Sir George Monoux, Selen has reached almost 15k followers on her Instagram account. For almost two years, Gümüş has been producing interesting content as a makeup artist on her ‘Selgam’ Instagram account. 

Our successful young community member recently launched her own brand ‘Selgam Lashes’ and released her eyelash brand. 

The 17-year-old young entrepreneur spoke to Londra Gazete about her work and social media posts. Gümüş made the following statement: 

“I opened my Instagram page on November 14, 2018. I produced different forms of makeup ideas and contents and shared it as a video on my page. My followers suddenly started to increase, which motivated even more so I went on to create more content. I particularly enjoy using extraordinary colours when doing makeup. I initially provide advice with my posts, for instance, I provide advice on what kinds of makeup can be done in different tones for everyday life or special occasions. I also have customers now which enquire for special makeup sessions.” 


Answering the question of how her interest in makeup came about, Gümüş said, “My interest in makeup was long as I knew myself. Hence, as I grew older, my interest in makeup increased more I used digital media to make it a profession. Makeup is an art; I have always worked hard to improve myself.”


Stating that every success story is accompanied by difficulties, Gümüş made the following statement by mentioned that she was also exposed to critics along with positive comments: 

“I received many positive comments for the posts I made, but there were also critics. Individuals making such attempts should already be prepared for negative comments. I am a person who immediately turns negative comments into positive, looking at everything from a nice and positive point of view is the puff of life. It is not easy to have thousands of followers on my social media page; I had to be ambitious and determined to achieve this. I never lost hope.


 When I opened my makeup page, I thought everything would be very easy, but on the contrary, I was busy creating content while trying to complete A-Level education. I needed great dedication and time to make quality posts; I had to balance my education life and my makeup page. I had no free time for a while. Since my education life is my priority, I have achieved to form a balance and I am very happy. I worked with world-famous brands and a few days ago I was chosen as a brand face for Hudabeauty. Such achievements make me and my family proud.”

 Working 7 months on her own eyelash brand Gümüş proudly announced that ‘Selgam Lashes’ are available to purchases on her website – 


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