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Coronavirus UK: 11,658 cases and 578 deaths confirmed

Announcing a new changed to the daily update of cases and deaths of Coronavirus in the UK, the Department of Health and Social Care will be sharing the daily number of cases of Coronavirus in the UK as of 9am of the date of publication of the figures, but the number of deaths will be based on a 24 hour period as of 5pm the previous day.

As of 9 am 26 March 104,866 people were tested for Coronavirus of them 93,208 tested negative and 11,658 positives.

In the 24 hour period from 5pm of the 24 March and 5pm 25 March has seen the number of deaths reach 578 people.

113 people have died in the 24 hour period from the last update, making it the largest increase of UK deaths.

Of the 578 deaths, 11 known deaths have been from the Turkish Speaking Community in London.

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