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KTGBI ‘Unity and solidity’ Ball took place with intense participation


The ‘Turkish Cypriot Youth Union England’ (KTGBI) held a ‘Unity and solidity’ Ball on Friday, March 13 at Grand Palace Banqueting Suite in North London.

Over 200 people attended the ‘Unity and solidity’ Ball, in addition to the famous pop singer Eylem, the popular names of London, Erdoğan Baca and Devrim Baca gave the guests a pleasant time.

The night of the event was attended by Dr Teoman Sırrı MBE, TRNC London Education and Culture Attaché Metin Harper, Okan Baysan, councillors and non-governmental organisations, businessmen and a large youth group.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic Democrat Party Leader, Fikri Ataoğlu, had cut his London visit short and returned back to North Cyprus, while TRNC Economy and Energy Minister Hasan Taçoy was also unable to attend the event.

Welcoming everyone to the event KTGBI President Nafiya Horozoğlu, emphasized unity and solidarity of the Turkish Cypriot community: “Our aim to be here tonight is that our young people and adults together give a strong message. As Turkish Cypriot youth, we no longer want to allow this society to split or fall apart, we want to use our power in England in unity and solidarity and make our voices heard.

Adding “… in order to understand the young people here, it is necessary to first understand that young people are disconnected from society, experience identity confusion and lose their sense of belonging.”

Dr Sırrı also shared a few words saying: “I congratulate these young people, the future of a country and state depends on young people. The more united these young people, the stronger they will be…”


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