Barbers at a North London hairdressers banded together to collect money for the families of Soma’s victims.
Veli Aksu, who runs the Re-Style barber’s shop in Harringay, and his team collected £541 which they have transferred to families through the Disaster and Emergency Response department at the Turkish Prime Minister’s office.
Mr Aksu, who said it was important for them to demonstrate unity and solidarity, said: “As a business owner, I heard about the need to do something for the 301 workers who lost their lives.
“I told all our customers to make a voluntary contribution to the fund. Thankfully, they all supported us. I took the money I collected to Ziraat Bank and submitted it to them with a list of names.
“We are happy that we have been able to make a contribution in these days when Ramadan has begun.
“I would like to thank our customers, colleagues and everyone who contributed.”