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9 Turkish men sentenced for Hackney attack

9 Turkish men sentenced for Hackney attack

A group of men who launched an unprovoked attack, which resulted in a number of people being sprayed with a noxious substance, have been sentenced.

Huseyin Onel, 24 (30.03.94) of no fixed abode, but from the Hackney area, was sentenced to 17 years in  prison for applying a noxious substance causing grievous bodily harm (GBH), plus an additional three years on extended licence. Onel was sentenced to nine years each for six counts of casting a noxious substance and three years for violent disorder to run concurrently.

Huseyin Onel


Mehmet Tekagac, 30 (03.09.88) of Kenworthy Road, E9 was sentenced to 14-and-a-half years in prison for applying a noxious substance causing GBH, plus an additional three years on extended licence. To run concurrently, Tekagac was sentenced to eight years for robbery and three years for violent disorder.

Mehmet Tekagac

Onur Ardic, 27 (02.11.91) of Frampton Park Road, E9 was sentenced to 14 years in prison for applying a noxious substance causing GBH plus three years on extended licence. He was also sentenced to three years for violent disorder to run concurrently.


Onur Ardic

Guven Ulas, 20 (21.12.98) of Pultney Street, N1, was sentenced to 30 months in prison for violent disorder.

Guven Ulas


Mustafa Kiziltan, 30 (10.09.88) of no fixed abode, but from the Hackney area, was sentenced to a total of three years in prison – 27 months for violent disorder and nine months for dangerous driving. He was also sentenced to three months for failing to stop, this will run concurrently.

Mustafa Kiziltan

Serkan Kiziltan, 22 (03.11.96) of Well Street, E9, was sentenced to 18 months for violent disorder.

Serkan Kiziltan

Umit Kaygisiz, 21 (26.12.97) of Orsman Road, N1, was sentenced to a total of 28 months in prison for violent disorder and attempting to convey a prohibited item into prison (namely a mobile phone).

Umit Kaygisiz

Yasam Erdogan, 24 (24.11.94) of Nightingale Road, N1, was sentenced to 18 months for violent disorder, suspended for two years.

Yasam Erdogan

Turgut Adakan, 23 (20.06.95) of Roman Road, E6, was sentenced to 18 months for violent disorder, suspended for two years.

Turgut Adakan

All nine were sentenced at Wood Green Crown Court on Thursday, 17 January.

The incident unfolded at approximately 5.30am  on 5 May 2018, when a verbal altercation began between an unidentified male and Onur Ardic who was part a group of nine men who were sitting in cars on Alvington Crescent in Hackney.

The unidentified male went to speak to Ardic and was quickly surrounded by the group before Mustafa Kiziltan punched him. En masse, the group launched a ferocious attack, punching and kicking the male for a sustained period.

A group of people who had left a nearby club attempted to intervene to stop the attack with one of them – a man in his 20s – filming the assault.

The suspect group took exception to this and attacked the man, kicking him to the ground and attempting to steal his phone. A number of this victim’s group went to their friend’s aid and a large brawl erupted.

During this, Huseyin Onel – a member of the suspect group – entered one of the cars and was seen to exit a couple of seconds later carrying a white bottle. He used this bottle to spray a noxious substance, in the faces of a number of people.

On realising the escalation of events, a number of the victim’s group began to run from the scene but Onel calmly targeted them, spraying liquid at their faces as they attempted to flee.

Other members of the group – Mehmet Tekagac and Onur Ardic – were also involved in the corrosive substance attack on one of the group.

Meanwhile, the vicious assault continued on the victim who had filmed the initial assault and only ended when a bag containing his phone had been ripped from him.

He was left with a fractured eye socket and corrosive burns to his eye, with it initially believed his injuries would be life changing, but his recovery was described by doctors as ‘miraculous’.

The suspects then got into three cars and drove from the scene, shouting homophobic comments at members of the group, and that they ‘run Hackney’.

Officers from Hackney, working alongside a crime scene examiner (CSE) attended the scene and began to collate evidence and secure CCTV that captured the vast majority of the attacks.

Over a four-month period, all nine suspects were identified, arrested and charged.


Detective Constable David Leitner, of the Central East Command Unit, led the investigation. He said: “Seven violent and dangerous men have been removed from London’s streets today and will now spend a lengthy time locked up in prison.

“The level of violence used in this attack, coupled with the speed that this incident escalated, are truly shocking.

“A group of people who were enjoying themselves at the end of a night out were subjected to a sustained and relentless wave of violence including the use of a corrosive substance – because they acted as good Samaritans to help a male being subjected to a vicious assault.

“The original victim who was attacked by the group has never been traced but I hope he, and all those who were set upon by this violent group of individuals, will take some comfort from the fact that this group has been convicted.”

At Wood Green Crown Court on 21 November 2018, three of the group were found guilty as follows:

Huseyin Onel was found guilty of eight counts of applying a corrosive fluid with intent and violent disorder.

Mehmet Tekagac was found guilty of applying a corrosive fluid with intent and robbery. He had earlier pleaded guilty to violent disorder.

Onur Ardic was found guilty of applying a corrosive substance with intent. He had earlier pleaded guilty to violent disorder.

The six other men earlier pleaded guilty at Wood Green Crown Court to violent disorder.



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