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Summary of 2018

Summary of 2018

WITH GREAT hopes and wonderful wishes, we are ready to leave behind 2018 and welcome the New Year with amazing hopes. In many different geographical regions of the world, violence against nature, people, and animals were still present. Despite of this, we still witnessed pleasurable events and good developments in the world. Hence, whilst saying goodbye to 2018, we have complied for you a series of events in relation to Turkish speaking community.

Let us recall the summary of 2018, composed of social, cultural, artistic and political subjects.


* An event was organised in appreciation for Hulus Ibrahim’s dedication to the common struggle of Cyprus ON 6 January. Hulus Ibrahim, known for his commitment towards the common struggle of the Turkish and Greek Cypriot workers during the British colonialism, and extremely appreciated for his contributions to PEO and the Turkish Labour Federation.

* The Alevi Cultural Centre and Cemevi UK opened the biggest centre in the UK and Europe, the opening ceremony was attended by thousands of people. The Cemevi project started years ago and the generous support of the Alevi people was completed with the superior efforts of the 20th term administration.

* AHMET Dobran, 82 years old, who suffered a vicious assault in Newham, East London while suffering from cancer and Parkinson’s disease, lost his life.

* The 21st annual meeting of the Alevi Cultural Center and Cemevi was held in the new Cemevi building in Wood Green. Following the voting, Hüseyin Üzüm was elected as the chairman.

* Students which came from Turkey to study in the UK came together with the Minstry of Education Undersecretary Yusuf Tekin, on January 22.


* Young Hasan Özcan lost his life due to a knife attack, the young teenager’s family and loved ones protested the authorities. A protest was held in front of the Barking council for Hasan Özcan, a university student who lost his life in the attack in the borough of Barking on Saturday, February 3rd.

* Tottenham Park Cemetery Action Group organised an event to tackle various problems in regards to the cemetery. The action group received great support from many politicians as well as the community. An event took place at Grand Palace with the participation of Baroness Meral Ece, Enfield Councillors Ayfer Orhan and Yasemin Brett.

* A cooperation protocol was signed between the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce (KTTO) and Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce UK. The protocol was signed by the Chair of KTTO Turgay Deniz and the chair of KTTO (UK) Dr. Muhammet Yaşarata.

* Writers and poets came together with their readers at the British Alevi Federation on 17 February. The Turkish speaking writers and poets living in Britain and met with their readers and introduced their new books.

* Famous Turkish designer Bora Aksu attended to the London Fashion Week and introduced the 2017 Autumn Winter Creation.


* General Consul Çınar Ergin visited Stoke Newington along with some committees to meet Turkish businesspersons. Consul General Ergin was accompanied by the vice consul Mert Sav who attended the Friday

prayer in the Aziziye Mosque. Following Friday’s prayer, a group of about 20 people accompanied Ergin.

* Women’s Day ‘event organized by the Turkish Kurdish Community Solidarity Center Day-Mer was held at the North London Community Center for 8 MART International Women’s Day.

* The Alevi population living in London came together in a unity event. The youth event was organised by Alevi Youth UK and British Alevi Federation.

* The Association of Turkish Women in Britain organised an event in London at Millennium Hotel to celebrate 8 March International Women’s day.


* Academic, writer and researcher Dr. Mehmet Hasguler met with his readers at a book launch in London which occurred on April 10th. Hasgülers recent book “Cypriot Political Handbook and Dictionary – Concepts, Institutions, and Actors” was promoted to his readers.

* THE election of the 3rd Executive Board of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) UK took place in the London at the Epic event hall in Dalston on Sunday, April 15, 2018. Sibel Özçelik, who received 366 votes at the end of the election, was elected as the new president of the CHP UK Union for two years.

* AKEL Party members Dervis Ali Kavazoglu and Kostas Misaulis were commemorated on the 53rd anniversary of their death. The commemoration event took place on 12 April at Cypriot Community Centre.

* The April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children’s Day was celebrated in London with various events. On 21 April a event was organised at the London Turkish Embassy.


* Local elections took place across London on Thursday, May 3. There were 63 Turkish speaking candidates which participated and succeeded with a great result.

* Protestors and campaigners rallied outside Downing Street in May, as a result of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visiting London and meeting the Prime Minister Theresa May.

* The 29 year old Turkısh Cypriot Nesil Caliskan was elected as leader of Enfield Council. Nesil became the first women to be appointed tot position.


* The 8th Alevi Cultural Festival took place this year, whereby the festival was inclusive of various events for a week.

* Turkish Cypriot Trust UK organised the s 1st Turkish Cypriot Culture and Arts Festival which was held at Lea Valley Athletic Centre.

* 98 thousand Turkish citizens voted in the United Kingdom for the elections held in Turkey.

* CTCA UK organised the 2nd Turkish Cypriot Cultural Festival which was held at Enfield, Donkey Lane.


* The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Kudret Özersay introduced the project of Turkish Cypriots living abroad.

* 3 Turkish men raped a women in Canterbury. A 19 year old women was kidnapped and raped. The suspects were sentenced to 27 years in prison.

* The 29th Day-Mer Festival was held this year which brought together thousands of people from the Turkish and Kurdish communities.


* Ezo Sarıcı,the young musician received an award in Italy.

* Southgate councillor Stephanos Ioannou was suspended due his racist post on social media towards Turkish speaking community.


* Ismail Tanrikulu aged 22 was killed a Tottenham Cemetery in North London.

* Ankara Agreement business people are defending their rights through legislative procedures. The network has raised money to for court costs.

* 12th Anatolian Festival took place with great participation.


* Emre Doğanay, who lives in England, became the winner of the General Surgery Residency examination in the UK.

* Umit Yalçın officially began his post as London Ambassador of Turkey.


* Turkey and North Cyprus was presented at the World Travel Marketç

* TRNC Anniversary was celebrated at Hyatt Regeny Chuchill Hotel.

* Turkish Cypriot fashion designer designed a dress for X Factor finalist.


* Turkish gangs presented as bad role models for students in secondary schools.

* ‘Women and Success’ panel was organised to discuss the achievements of women within society.

* Turkish Cypriot Youth Association organised a trip to Cardiff to come together with the students studying


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