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Turkish Forum UK to hold a conference about cancer

Turkish Forum UK to hold a conference about cancer

TURKISH Forum UK, an active non-governmental organization based in London, has a worldwide reputation in cancer research has organısed a conferenceç

Prof. Mustafa Camgöz will be presenting a conference to explain the causes and ways to prevent cancer. The conference will be held on Thursday, November 22 at Kensington Hilton hotel. Camgöz will provide information on cancer research, trearment,and innovation.

Prof. Mustafa Camgöz is a Professor of cancer biology at Imperial College London and chairman of the College of Medicine’s Science Council. Djamgoz was born in Nicosia, Cyprus to a Turkish Cypriot family.He migrated to the United Kingdom in 1970 for his studies.

Camgöz studied at the Imperial College London, where he became a Professor of Neurobiology, and then Professor of Cancer Biology. His scientific consultancies and granting agencies include the Medical Research Council (UK) and the Wellcome TrustIn 2002, Djamgoz established the Pro Cancer Research Fund as a registered charity which runs the Amber Care Centre, which is a drop-in centre for people affected by cancer



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