THIS year’s annual charity even organised by the Limasollular Association, attracted great interest from members of our society.
Many of the stalls for the charity event complied of Northern Cyprus cuisine such as dessert, pastry’s and authentic dishes were of special interest, while the books, CDs, jewelry and handicrafts exhibited in the stands were highly appreciated by the visitors.
Gathering together on Sunday, September 16, 2016 at the TCCA building in Haringey, the newly elected TRNC London Representative Oya Tuncalı, and the President of the Ataturk Society UK Jale Özer with members of the Limasollular Association come together with community members attended the event.
“Today’s event has been organised with the support of our friends and members in the board of directors. The culture and art of a country, a state, and a society are like two branches on the structure. As the two wings moves, the community can fly to the heights and come somewhere. But if that wing breaks, art and culture cannot get anywhere, and that society is fated to collapse. As Limasollular Association, we are trying to show our culture in London in a multicultural city with a great respect for our culture, traditions and customs. Today we have organized this beautiful day with our writer, our handcrafted artists, our housewives cooking and our board of directors. Our valued members and our society deserve the best of everything. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to us in this beautiful day, and I would like to especially thank Oya Tuncalı, our distinguished Representative, who has started her duty in London…”