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London welcomes new Turkish education secretary

The long awaited appointing to the empty Office of Education Secretary at the Turkish Consulate has finally happened. A press release by the Consulate confirmed that Hasan Ünsal will be starting to work as the education secretary at the Turkish Consulate of London.

Starting his new duty on 23 August Wednesday, as well known bureaucrat, Mr Ünsal will be taking over the duties to deal with the Turkish speaking communities’ education structures and agenda in the UK.

In the past, Mr Ünsal had echoed such success when he worked as the education attaché in Karlsuhen and had increased the number of students in Baden area. He is also well known for his past Project in which he led and shaped to attract more and more students. Mr Ünsal also acted as a leading person in Germany to re-teach and introduce Turkish to the indigenous Turkish foreign born students.


Known as the “loved Education Attaché” who pioneered to make students love and learn Turkish in Baden, Hasan Ünsal graduated from Gazi University Public Administration department in 1999. In 2003 he started working as a councillor at the Education Ministry of Turkey. He is now appointed to be the new Education Secretary at the London Consulate.

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