Page 49 - Ramadan 2022
P. 49
LG RAMADAN 2022 49
Islamic Art a true beauty
SLAMIC art is not art of a
specific religion, time, place, or
of a single medium . Instead
Iit spans some 1400 years,
covers many lands and populations,
and includes a range of artistic fields
including architecture, calligraphy ,
painting, glass, ceramics , and tex-
tiles, among others.
Islamic art encompasses the visual
arts produced from the seventh
century onward by both Muslims cludes secular elements and elements examples are typically from secular
and non-Muslims who lived within that are forbidden by some Islamic contexts, such as the walls of palaces
the territory that was inhabited theologians. Because figural rep- or illuminated books of poetry.
Other religious art, such as glass
by, or ruled by, culturally Islamic resentations are generally considered mosque lamps, Girih tiles, woodwork,
populations. It is thus a very difficult to be forbidden in Islam, the word and carpets usually demonstrate the
art to define because it spans some takes on religious meaning in art as same style and motifs as contempo-
1400 years, covering many lands and seen in the tradition of calligraphic rary secular art, although they exhibit
populations. This art is also not of a inscriptions. Calligraphy and the dec- more prominent religious inscrip-
specific religion, time, place, or single oration of manuscript Qu’rans is an tions. Islamic art was influenced by
medium. Instead Islamic art covers important aspect of Islamic art as the Greek, Roman, early Christian, and
a range of artistic fields including ar- word takes on religious and artistic Byzantine art styles, as well as the
chitecture, calligraphy, painting, glass, significance. Islamic architecture, Sassanian art of pre-Islamic Persia.
ceramics, and textiles, among others. such as mosques and palatial gardens Central Asian styles were brought in
Islamic art is not restricted to reli- of paradise, are also embedded with with various nomadic incursions; and
gious art, but instead includes all of religious significance. While examples Chinese influences had a formative
the art of the rich and varied cultures of Islamic figurative painting do exist, effect on Islamic painting, pottery,
of Islamic societies. It frequently in- and may cover religious scenes, these and textiles.