Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1130
P. 37

4                                                                                      Londra Gazete, 03 November 2022

                                                                       Criminals and sexual predators

                                                                       allowed into police, says report

                                                                        HUNDREDS of police officers
                                                                      who should have failed vetting
                                                                      checks may be in the job in Eng-
                                                                      land and Wales, a damning report
                                                                      has found.
                                                                        The police watchdog looked at
                                                                      eight forces and found decisions
                                                                      on officers which were "question-
                                                                      able at best".
                                                                        One officer convicted of do-
                                                                      mestic abuse and one accused of
                                                                      sexual assault were among those
         ASUK: Atatürk Memorial                                       accepted.
                                                                        "It's far too easy for the wrong
                and Understanding                                     people to get in," said Inspector   questions about police recruit-  leagues",  raising  concerns  about
                                                                      of Constabulary, Matt Parr.
                                                                                                                                    risks to people outside the police.
                                                                        Of 725 sample cases closely   ment and vetting.               Vetting is meant to be carried
          THE    Atatürk  Society  UK  ral, political analyst, research   examined in the review, there   Former Home Secretary Priti   out when candidates apply to join
         (ASUK) will be holding the first  writer Türker Ertürk.      were concerns about 131 officers   Patel  commissioned  the  report   or transfer to a police force and
         London screening of ‘Mustafa Ke-  The event will be held at Grand   cleared to serve in police forces   last  year  from  His  Majesty's In-  then every 10 years, or every sev-
         mal's Years In Sofia 1913-1915’  Place  Conference  Hall,  242  High   - but the watchdog said the true   spectorate of Constabulary, Fire   en for sensitive roles.
         on Saturday 4 November.       Road, London N22 8JX at 7pm    total could be much higher.    and Rescue Services (HMICFRS).   Instead, the review found of-
          The event will showcase the  entrance sis free and members of   The report also highlights mi-  The authors questioned 11,000   ficers passed despite having crim-
         film with is produced and director  the community are welcomed to   sogyny and sexual misconduct,  officers and staff - and of the   inal records, being suspected of
         by Nahide Deniz And Ufuk Kar-  join the screening which will have   and was commissioned after  women  who  responded,  "an  serious offences, having substan-
         akaş with guest speaker: E.Ami-  English subtitles.          the murder of Sarah Everard by  alarming number alleged ap-   tial debts or having family linked
                                                                      a serving officer, which raised  palling behaviour by male col-  to organised crime.

         Hundreds removed from London
                         gang database                                ‘Londoners face £700 million local service’

          HUNDREDS of people have been  down from 89% in 2019 to 77% in   LONDON’S  borough councils   The energy crisis, soaring inflation  terms compared to 2010, while Lon-
         removed from a gang database creat-  2021.                   will face a £700 million shortfall  and a rising demand for services  don’s population has grown by about
         ed after the 2011 London riots.  Met Commissioner Sir Mark Row-  next year that would require the  have put extra pressure on local au-  10 per cent.
          About 1,200 people have been tak-  ley said he was committed to a com-  “toughest of tough” money-saving  thority budgets, opening a wide gap   The group is now calling on the
         en off the Met's Gang Violence Ma-  plete redesign of the database as part   decisions  unless  the  Government  between the funding received and  Government to repeat its action
         trix following a review.      of plans to rebuild public trust in the   increases funding for local services,  amount spent on local services.  from the height of the Covid-19
          The database is used by the Met to  force.                  cross-party  group London  Councils   Based on the Government’s cur-  pandemic, when ministers increased
         identify those at risk of committing,   "We know that young men and, in   has warned.       rent funding plans, London bor-  funding to help local authorities cope
         or being a victim of, gang-related vio-  particular, young black men contin-  It says the capital’s local authori-  oughs face a gap of up to £400 mil-  with the financial shock and ensure
         lence in London.              ue to be over represented on the ma-  ties face making “colossal” savings  lion this year and £700 million  in  services could continue.
          There are now 1,933 people on the  trix," he said.          that could see cuts to vital frontline  2023-24, London Councils’ analysis   A Government spokesman said:
         matrix, the lowest number since the   "Sadly, there is a reality that levels   services such as social care and bin  shows. In total, London’s local gov-  “...“This year, we have made an addi-
         database was set up in 2012.  of violent crime do disproportional-  collections, and would hit London-  ernment is forecast to see a funding  tional £3.7 billion available to coun-
          This represents a decrease of just  ly affect young black men - both in   ers already struggling with the rising  gap of £2.4 billion over the next four  cils in England, including an extra
         over 50% from August 2017, when  terms of victimisation and offending   cost of living.     years.                         £685 million in London.
         the number of individuals on the  and our tactics do need to be target-  It added that authorities in the   London Councils says local servic-  “Through  the  Energy  Bill  Relief
         matrix peaked at 3,881.       ed so we can protect those most at   capital are currently up against their  es in the capital have long been un-  Scheme, we are also providing a dis-
          The number of black and other  risk.                        most  challenging  financial  outlook  derfunded, with boroughs’ overall  count for councils dealing with rising
         minority ethnic communities being   "However, it is not appropriate   since 2010.           resources 22 per cent lower in real  energy costs this winter.”
         added to the database since May  that the matrix further amplifies this
         2018  have  also decreased,  going  disproportionality."
                                                                      Dermot O'Leary receives Freedom of the City of London

                                                                        PRESENTER  Dermot  O'Leary  atives. Freedom of the City of Lon-
                                                                      has  received  the  Freedom  of  the  don is one of the City of London’s
                                                                      City  of  London.  Mr  O'Leary  said  ancient traditions – believed to have
                                                                      he was "genuinely honoured" to re-  begun in 1237 and enabled recipi-
                                                                      ceive the freedom, which was made  ents, who were also required to join
                                                                      in recognition of his charitable  a Livery company, to carry out their
                                                                      work and patronage of the London  trade. In recent years the awards
                                                                      Irish Centre. The centre in Camden,  was also given to Enver Kannur the
                                                                      north London, provides advice, sup-  Turkish Cypriot Businessman, there
                                                                      port, and community services to the  are over 2000 recipients of the free-
                                                                      city's Irish community. He attended  dom included  members of the roy-
                                                                      a ceremony at Mansion House on  al family,  former prime ministers,
                                                                      Tuesday alongside friends and fam-  foreign diplomats, artists and many
                                                                      ily and and the charity's represent-  more.
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