Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1130
P. 32

Londra Gazete, 03 November 2022                                                                                     9

                                                                       WHO publishes first ever list of fungal

                                                                           infections that pose ‘major threat’

                                                                        THE World Health Organisati-
                                                                      on has published its first ever list
                                                                      of lethal fungal infections that
                                                                      represent a threat to public he-
                                                                        Experts have noticed an incre-
                                                                      ase in deadly fungal disease, with
            ‘Alarming’ rise in type 2                                 drug-resistant bacterial  infecti-
                                                                      ons  now  responsible  for roughly
                                                                      1.27 million deaths every year.
         diabetes among under-40s                                       “Fungal pathogens are a major
                                                                      threat to public health as they are
          THE number of people aged un-  healthy weight.              becoming increasingly common
         der-40 in the UK being diagnosed   However, the condition has previ-  and resistant to treatment,” the
         with type 2 diabetes is rising at a fas-  ously been relatively rare in people   WHO said.
         ter rate than the over-40s, according   aged under 40 so healthcare profes-  The infections can spread in
         to new data.                   sionals do not always recognise sy-  hospitals and have become more
          Analysis by  Diabetes  UK  found   mptoms in the group.     prevalent over the past few years.
         that the number of under-40s being   There are around 3.78 million pe-  Incidence of comorbid aspergil-
         diagnosed with the disease has sur-  ople living with type 2 diabetes in   losis, candidemia and mucormy-  contributed to this. The growth  AIDs, organ transplants, chronic
         ged by nearly a quarter in the past   the UK, of which 148,344 are under   cosis - also known as black fungus   in fungal infections in general is  respiratory disease or tubercu-
         five years.                    40. But Diabetes UK warned that   - rose during the Covid pandemic.  also thought to be linked with an  losis. More data and research is
          Diagnoses in the age group clim-  the number of under-40s diagnosed   Black fungus is a fast-moving   increase in drugs that dampen  needed to understand how to tre-
         bed by 23 per cent between 2016   with the disease could rise as high as   infection that can attack someo-  the immune system. The types  at this growing threat, the WHO
         and 2021, compared to 18 per cent   200,000 by 2027 without action to   ne’s lungs, brain and sinuses and   of fungal infections listed often  warned.
         in the over-40s, according to the cha-  improve lifestyle habits.  affects people with a weakened   affect severely ill patients and   In its new report, the WHO
         rity’s analysis.                A study published in April by the   immune  system.  India  was  par-
          Type 2 diabetes occurs when the   University of Manchester found that   ticularly affected by the disease  those with significant underlying  warns that there is only limited
         level of sugar in the blood becomes   a healthy change in lifestyle could   during Covid and it is thought  problems with their immune sys-  access to quality diagnostics and
         too high and causes symptoms inc-  cut the chances of getting type 2 dia-  that the overuse of steroids used  tem. Those at greatest risk inc-  treatment for these developing
         luding excessive thirst and tiredness.  betes for thousands of Britons.  to treat severe Covid may have  lude people with cancer, HIV or  fungal diseases.
          It is often linked to being overwe-  Without treatment and manage-
         ight or inactive, with obese people   ment, type 2 diabetes can lead to
         seven times more likely to develop   kidney  failure,  heart  disease  and   Pancreatic cancer 'could be spotted
         the disease compared with those of   limb amputations.

         Poor sleep linked to glaucoma                                           3 year earlier if people with

                          in new study                                               regularly health checks'

          PEOPLE who suffer from poor   ted to the study between 2006 and
                                                                        PANCREATIC cancer could  43,000 people in England has  similar people of their age.
         sleep may be more prone to getting   2010 and were followed up until   be diagnosed up to three years  found the cancer could be spotted   Tracking someone's weight and
         a common eye condition later in life.  March 2021 to see whether or not   earlier if people were regularly  three years earlier than now.
          Snoring, daytime sleepiness and   they went on to have a diagnosis of                                                     blood sugar over time is known to
                                                                                                       That is when people in the early  help identify early, undiagnosed
         insomnia, as well as sleeping for too   glaucoma.            weighed and had their blood sug-  stages of pancreatic cancer devel-
         little or too much of the night, have   During an average follow-up peri-  ar checked, according to experts.               pancreatic cancer.
         been linked to a higher risk of glau-  od of almost 11 years, 8,690 cases of   Every year more than 10,000  op abnormally high blood sugar.  But the findings suggest com-
                                                                                                       The cancer could be found two  paring one person's change in
         coma in a large new study.     glaucoma were identified.     people in the UK are diagnosed   years earlier than it is now if peo-
          Glaucoma is a common eye con-  The international team of acade-  with pancreatic cancer.                                  weight and blood sugar to that of
                                                                        It has a tragically high death  ple's weight was measured regu-
         dition where the optic nerve, which   mics, led by researchers from Bei-  rate because around 90 per cent  larly, researchers suggest.  similar people could greatly boost
         connects the eye to the brain, beco-  jing in China, found that compared   of  people  are  diagnosed  too late   That is when people with early   the chances of early diagnosis.
         mes damaged.                   with those who had a healthy sleep   for surgery, which is the only  pancreatic cancer become notice-  Dr Agnieszka Lemanska, who
          The condition can lead to loss of vi-  pattern, snoring and daytime sleepi-                                               led the study from the Univer-
         sion if it’s not diagnosed and treated   ness carried an 11% increased risk of   cure. Now a  study  of more  than  ably  underweight  compared  to   sity of Surrey, said: 'Significant
         early enough.                  glaucoma.                                                                                   decline in weight and increase in
          While it can affect people of any   Meanwhile insomnia and short or                                                       blood glucose could be detected
         age, it is more common among pe-  long sleep duration was linked to a                                                      in patients' years in advance of
         ople in their 70s and 80s.     13% increased risk.                                                                         them receiving a diagnosis for
          Researchers said that people who   The authors wrote: “Snoring,                                                           pancreatic cancer.'
         have been identified as high risk of   daytime sleepiness, insomnia, and                                                     The study found blood sugar
         getting glaucoma should be offered   short/long duration, individually or                                                  significantly  increased in people
         “sleep interventions” and people   jointly, were all associated with the                                                   with cancer two years before diag-
         who report poor sleep problems   risk of glaucoma.                                                                         nosis, compared to the non-can-
         should undergo eye screening.   “These findings underscore the                                                             cer patients.
          The  research,  published  in  the   need for sleep intervention for in-                                                    Weigh-ins and blood sugar
         journal  BMJ  Open,  examined  data   dividuals at high risk of glaucoma                                                   readings  could  help  diagnose
         on more than 400,000 people who   as well as potential ophthalmologic                                                      both diabetes and pancreatic can-
         are taking part in the UK Biobank   screening among individuals with                                                       cer, allowing cancer patients to
         study.                         chronic sleep problems for glaucoma                                                         be rushed for a scan and given
          People aged 40 to 69 were recrui-  prevention.”                                                                           life-saving surgery.
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