Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1130
P. 38
Londra Gazete, 03 November 2022 3
DJ Koray Alpergin took his last journey
43-YEAR OLD DJ Koray Alpergin
was laid to rest on Monday (31 Oc-
tober) surrounded by family and
friends. The funeral prayer was held
at Palmers Green Mosque at noon,
following the ceremony the burial
took place at Lavender Hill Ceme-
tery, where Alpergin was laid to rest.
The tragic news of his passing,
shocked members of the community.
TWPA elect new tion Bizim FM and father of two’s
The founder of Turkish radio sta-
chairwoman and board body was found on 15 October in a
wooded area near Oakwood Hill In-
dustrial Estate in Loughton, Essex.
THE Turkish Woman Phil- the members present at the meet- Erdoğan Ulçay (55) Ali Kavak
anthropic Association (TWPA) ing for the support during this (25) and a 17-year-old have been
held its annual general meeting time. charged with his murder and the individuals wearing white masks and public in a woodland area in Lought-
(AGM), which was postponed due Seyyare Beyzade was elected as kidnap of a 33-year-old Gozde Dal- bundled into a van and taken to a on, Essex. “The body was naked and
to the coronavirus pandemic, on the 20th President of the TWPA budak Alpergin girlfriend who was location and held there against their had sustained burns, bruises and
Sunday 30 October at their head- for the 2022-2024 term. later located by police unharmed. A
quarters in Turnpike Lane, north Members of the board of direc- plea hearing on January 6, with a will. “Mr Alpergin was badly beaten cuts.” Adding a “preliminary re-
London. tors for the new terms are made provisional trial date set for Septem- and murdered. On Saturday 15 Oc- port concluded strangulation, blunt
Starting the AGM with a min- up of: Hülya Değirmencioğlu, ber next year. Prosecutor Nicholas tober, two days later, Mr Alpergin’s forced trauma and damage to the in-
ute's silence and the Turkish Na- Havva Beyzade, Nurgül Aktekin, Hearn said: “They were attacked by body was found by members of the ternal organs and ribs.”
tional Anthem, outgoing Presi- İnci Şevki, Nazan Mustafa, Fatoş
dent Semahat Mustafa presented Cahit, Hülya Derviş and Duygu
the Annual Report and Treasurer Halil. The disciplinary member’s The 4th Turkish Film Festival to take
Hülya Değirmencioğlu Financial are also known as ‘Court of Hon-
Report and was acquitted. or’ consist of Semahat Mustafa, place Cambridge and London
Mustafa thanked served as Ayşe Osman, Ayşe Doğan and
president for two terms, thanked Dudu Derviş. THE 4th Turkish Film Festival,
Taste of Anatolia – Films from Tur-
GİK-DER called for an early key (TOA), will be taking place from
the 5 to 11 of November 2022.
For the first time, screenings for
general election this week-long event will extend
from TOA’s home city of Cambridge
to London, as well as continuing
THE Refugee and Workers Cultur- the colonization of India Rishi Sunak
al Association (GİK-DER) has called is one of the richest Prime Ministers online, allowing even more people
across Britain to enjoy new cinema
on the government to call a early in Britain's history. from Turkey. This year’s TOA pro-
election stating “the Conservative “As Britain's ordinary working gramme lists 38 star-studded mov-
Party appointed the country's new people are forced to choose between ies. Ten of these are feature-length ly acclaimed family drama Çatlak / enthusiastically welcomes back au-
Prime Minister. British politics, in an 'chill' and 'full satiation', while they films and 28 shorts, with five of the Fractured, director Fikret Reyhan’s diences with theatre screenings in
inexorable political crisis, consumed are unable to pay their electricity and 38 films documentaries. The selec- follow-up feature to his award-win- diverse venues in and around two
three Prime Ministers and countless gas bills, the rich Prime Minister, eco- tion includes both prominent and ning film Yellow Heat. One of TOA cities. For Cambridge, TOA films will
Ministers in one election period.” In nomic and political It came with new upcoming Turkish directors tackling 2022’s headline movies is Klondike, be showing at the Arts Picturehouse,
a statement they said “Apologies for attack packs...” Highlighting that the a myriad of themes, such as anti-war, a multiple award-winning Ukraini- Old Divinity School in St John’s Col-
the 'damage' caused by Lizz Truss, appointment of Suella Braverman as religiosity, and a heist thriller using a an-Turkish production directed by lege, Christ’s College, and Gardiner
who replaced the previous Prime Home Secretary gives “a clear mes- blend of comic book and live-action Maryna Er Gorbach. The film centres Memorial Hall in Burwell Village.
Minister with great promises the sage about the new era immigration drama. Many of the films will be en- on a family in the Donetsk region of TOA screening venues for London
Conservative Party appointed the policies.” Adding “... The solution to joying their UK premieres, among Eastern Ukraine whose world is vio- are Rio Cinema in Dalston, and
country's new Prime Minister. Brit- the crisis and political impasse of the them the award-winning Bembeyaz lently disrupted by the crash of flight Hackney’s Artlens. For all informa-
ish politics, in an inexorable political power is in the organized struggle, in /Pure White, screening at Dalston’s MH17 in 2014 and the events that tion regarding tickets and screenings
crisis, consumed three Prime Minis- which immigrants, workers, in the Rio Cinema on 9 November. Another follow. After two difficult years due for the festival you can visit
ters and countless Ministers in one united struggle of women and youth, making its UK premiere is critical- to the coronavirus pandemic, TOA
election period. LGBTI+s. Let's deepen the govern-
“The son of a wealthy family mem- ment's crisis by closing ranks against
ber of the collaborator caste during the new government's attacks.”
CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu is in London
THE Republican People's Party within the scope of the visit of
(CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu between
is in London for business talks, 2-4 November it was stated “We
taking place the between 2-4 No- will hold talks with institutions
vember. and organizations that have a
His visit follows a six-day trip voice that will ensure sustain-
to the USA for a number of work- able, climate-friendly and high
ing meetings he held in Boston value-added foreign investment
and Washington. In the infor- inflows to Turkey, especially in-
mation shared on the subject novative technology funds. ”