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Londra                                                                                                 EuroMillions jackpot prize from the Friday, Septem-
                                                                                                                       £110m EuroMillions

                                                                                                                     jackpot Winner comes

                                                                                                                        forward to Camelot

                                                                                                                      A  claim has been received for the £110,978,200.90

                                                                                                                     ber 2 draw, Camelot said. Friday’s winning numbers

                                                                                                                     the Lucky Star numbers. Only 15 UK players have
                                                                                        Gazete                       were 7, 12, 13, 20 and 45, with 3 and 12 selected for
                                                                                                                     won a jackpot of more than £100m, making this win
                                                                                                                     one of the country’s biggest. The record is £195m
         Thursday 08 September 2022      Issue 1122 50p                                   that was scooped in July. That lucky player was not
                                                                                                     020 8889 5025   identified - but in May, Gloucester couple Joe and
                    twitter@LondraGazete  020 8889 5025  Jess Thwaite decided to reveal...  Page 5m



                                                                                                                      MASTER  theatre and play writer Osman Balıkçıoğlu,
                                                                                                                     who is well known by the Turkish Speaking community
                                                                                                                     living in the UK, will appear to theatre lovers with his
                                                                                                                     musical comedy play "Two Half of an Apple"(Elmanın İki
                                                                                                                      Balıkçıoğlu, who will bring his new play to the stage in
                                                                                                                     October, will take place under the auspices of the Minis-
                                                                                                                     try of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey. The
                                                                                                                     Turkey's Ministry of Culture and Tourism has recognised
                                                                                                                     Balıkçıoğlu contributions to our society with his theatre
                                                                                                                     acting for decades.  The musical comedy "Two Half of the
                                                                                                                     Apple" will meet with the audience on Sunday, October
                                                                                                                     23 at the Millfield Theatre.
                                                                                                                      Speaking to Londra Gazete about his upcoming play
                                                                                                                     Balıkçıoğlu said:  “Two and a half years ago, we decided
                                                                                                                     to perform this play and we were going to celebrate my
                                                                                                                     60th year of art. Unfortunately, we couldn't do it due to
                                                                                                                     the coronavirus epidemic. By the way, many tickets were
                                                                                                                     sold before the play, we refunded the ticket fees to some
                                                                                                                     of them, and we gave tickets to some of them for our
                                                                                                                     theatre play in October. Our musical play ‘Elmanın İki
                                                                                                                     Yarısı’  is a play written by myself. Music teacher Erkan
                                                                                                                     Pastirmacıoğlu took on the task of music director. There
                                                                                                                     are also a few original compositions that will be heard
                                                                                                                     for the first time in our play. “Balıkçıoğlu Cabaret Theater
                                                                                                                     has presented plays that include...  Page 3m

                £110m EuroMillions jackpot                                                          Asmalı Sahne offers an

         Winner comes forward to Camelot acting workshop with Petek Kırboğa

          ATEŞCAN Ateş, a successful law student  statements to the Londra Gazete and gave   A new workshop for budding performers  lows: “The workshop is open to everyone's
         born and raised in London participated in  information about the competition held in   as well those looking to express themselves  participation. Besides the desire to act, it
         the ‘International Human Rights Oratory  Bilbao, Spain. Ateş, 20, made the following   will be taking place with experienced actor  has content that helps to develop the abili-
         Competition’ organised by the European  statement to the Londra Gazete: “Since I am   and director Petek Kırboğa on Saturday,  ty to express and present oneself correctly.

         Law Bar Association Federation in Spain.  the Law society president of my university,   September 10th, where those taking part  We will be meeting at Tottenham Organic
          Ateşcan Ateş, the eldest son of a father  I am aware of events such as law competi-  will benefit from his experience and vast  Stage on Saturday, September 10, between
         from Sivas and a mother from Adana, is  tions, seminars and workshops that come   knowledge. Asmalı Sahne acting workshop  2 and 4 pm. Actor and director of the work-
         currently studying law at London South-  to my university. This competition caught   will lead the way with Petek Kırboğa. The  shop will be Petek Kırboğa. Petek Kırboğa,
         bank University. Lawyers under the age of  my attention and interest. The reason for   essential courses of acting training will in-  co-founder of Asmalı Sahne Istanbul and
         35 and law students participated in the 'In-  this is; human rights is also a very impor-  cluded character analysis, approaching the  Asmalı Sahne London, will also be sharing
         ternational Human Rights Speech Contest'  tant platform. I was more interested in the   role, improvisation, diction ,movement  his own acting experiences.” For more in-
         held between September 2 and 3.  Ateş, who  fact that the theme of the competition was   and much more.   The statement made by  formation on how to take part and details
         participated from London, made special  "war crimes"; this subject...  Page 2m  Asmalı Sahne acting  workshop is as fol-  regarding the...      Page 4m
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