Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1122
P. 38
Londra Gazete, 08 September 2022 3
Balıkçıoğlu's new theatre play 'Elmanın
Iki Yarısı' will be staged
play to the stage in October, will
take place under the auspices of the
Ministry of Culture and Tourism of
the Republic of Turkey. The Turkey's
Ministry of Culture and Tourism has
recognised Balıkçıoğlu contributions
to our society with his theatre acting
for decades. The musical comedy
"Two Half of the Apple" will meet
with the audience on Sunday, Octo-
ber 23 at the Millfield Theatre.
Speaking to Londra Gazete about
his upcoming play Balıkçıoğlu said:
“Two and a half years ago, we decided ot culture for nine years. There were between them. This couple also has
to perform this play and we were go- moments whereby we made our au- a son. His son also cannot get along
ing to celebrate my 60th year of art. dience think and laugh. While per- with his wife and there are conflicts
Unfortunately, we couldn't do it due forming such a meaningful social between them. Meanwhile, a relative
to the coronavirus epidemic. By the
way, many tickets were sold before service, we also donated nearly 40 from Cyprus comes, saying, 'We had
the play, we refunded the ticket fees thousand pounds to charities. On enough of Cyprus'. Then they see
to some of them, and we gave tick- Sunday, October 23, we will fulfil our that this place is worse than Cyprus,
ets to some of them for our theatre social duty by presenting the musi- they say, 'Oh, I will return to my
play in October. Our musical play ‘El- cal comedy. This time, we will make hometown', and such a story contin-
manın İki Yarısı’ is a play written by our donations to our Turkish schools ues.''
myself. Music teacher Erkan Pastir- here. It is not yet clear which school Theatre tickets are £15 per person.
macıoğlu took on the task of music we receive a donation, hence we With two sitting at 15:00 and 20:00,
director. There are also a few original usually donate up to two thousand If you require more information
MASTER theatre and play writ- to theatre lovers with his musical compositions that will be heard for pounds.” about ticket or payment informa-
er Osman Balıkçıoğlu, who is well comedy play "Two Half of an Ap- the first time in our play. Balıkçıoğlu “We have an elderly tion, you can email him at osman-
known by the Turkish Speaking com- ple"(Elmanın İki Yarısı). “Balıkçıoğlu Cabaret Theater has couple and the man is in a wheel- or call 0798
munity living in the UK, will appear Balıkçıoğlu, who will bring his new presented plays that include Cypri- chair. We will reflect a relationship 518 4160.
Birth Injury ends in £14.4 Million payout
MASTER It is traumatic for any mother if her baby suffers injury at birth. BUT in the case of
BabyX, the profound effect on the baby led to £14.4 million being recovered. Attwaters Accidents’
impressive medical negligence specialists took on this case and won. This team of friendly pro-
fessional lawyers always put their clients at the heart of the business. Attwaters Accidents have a
highly experienced medical negligence team with Turkish speaking solicitors on hand to help you
with personal injury and medical negligence cases. This case is just one of the extremely success-
ful claims they have settled and this story is one worth reading. When BabyX was born at Royal
London Hospital the labour was mishandled. BabyX tragically sustained brain damage. This case
was so devasting because during labour BabyX was deprived of oxygen and should have been de-
livered earlier. Today BabyX suffers from cerebral palsy, a brain injury that affects mobility. BabyX
is unable to lead a full and independent life. The severe brain injuries led to learning difficulties, Work starts on new London
so consequently long-term care and support is essential. Once Attwaters presented the case the
Hospital Trust promptly admitted liability. By agreement between the parties and the court, the river crossing
assessment of the compensation had to wai until BabyX was old enough for a proper understand-
ing of the likely long-term needs to be understood. In the meantime, substantial interim pay- WORK on a new twin-road tunnel "As well as reducing congestion
ments were obtained by consent. This enabled therapies, accommodation, care and equipment beneath the River Thames in east and providing better cross-river bus
to be put into place. A joint settlement meeting allowed the parties to reach an agreement with London has begun. opportunities, the new tunnel will
a lump sum and an annual payment for care and case management for life. The capitalized val- The Silvertown Tunnel will link also help deliver a wide range of local
ue of settlement was £14.4 million, Attwaters Accidents provide you with outstanding personal the Royal Docks north of the river improvements, including dedicated
service and communication. They have unrivalled industry knowledge and a proven track record with the Greenwich Peninsula in the walking and cycling infrastructure
of successfully achieving compensation for clients who have made claims resulting from a birth south. and new landscaping.
injury. It’s reassuring to know that 97% of clinical negligence claims are settled by Attwaters Transport for London (TfL) said "We are working actively on these
without going to court. If you think you have grounds for a claim, then give Attwaters Accidents the route would cut congestion and designs and we hope we can share
a call 020 38 710 110 Alternatively, you can contact them about a claim online via their website ease pressure on the Blackwall Tun- these with local residents and stake- nel, but opponents believe it will in- holders shortly, ahead of starting
crease air pollution. work on them within the next year."
The 1.4km (0.9-mile) tunnel is ex- The Stop the Silvertown Coalition
pected to open in 2025. campaign group said the tunnel "will
Charges will be introduced for us- substantially increase London's CO2
ing both tunnels once the Silvertown emissions at the worst possible time
Tunnel opens. The level of charges in the ongoing climate emergency".
has not been determined. Nearly 600,000 tonnes of material
TfL's head of the Silvertown Tun- will be excavated during the project.
nel programme Helen Wright said: This will be removed via barges on
"The start of tunnelling is a huge step the Thames to minimise construc-
forward for this project and we are tion-related traffic on local roads.
committed to working hard to en- The material will be sent to a for-
sure that it is delivered with minimal mer landfill site in Essex as part of a
impact to Londoners. restoration scheme.