Page 39 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1122
P. 39
2 Londra Gazete, 08 September 2022
Law student
Ateşcan Ateş represented UK in Spain
ATEŞCAN Ateş, a successful law law at London Southbank Univer- Ateş, 20, made the following Spain, representing UK, for the fi-
student born and raised in London sity. Lawyers under the age of 35 statement to the Londra Gazete: nal. In the competition, in which
participated in the ‘International and law students participated in “Since I am the Law society pres- different countries also participat-
Human Rights Oratory Competi- the 'International Human Rights ident of my university, I am aware ed, four people made it to the final,
tion’ organised by the European Speech Contest' held between Sep- of events such as law competi- and a lawyer from Romania won
Law Bar Association Federation in tember 2 and 3. Ateş, who partic- tions, seminars and workshops the final by debating.”
Spain. ipated from London, made special that come to my university. This Stating that he came fifth in the
Ateşcan Ateş, the eldest son of statements to the Londra Gazete competition caught my attention competition, Ateş added that this
a father from Sivas and a mother and gave information about the and interest. The reason for this is; competition was an extraordinary
from Adana, is currently studying competition held in Bilbao, Spain. human rights is also a very impor- experience within the scope of his
tant platform. I was more interest- personal experience and that he
ed in the fact that the theme of the gained various friendships.
competition was "war crimes"; this Ateş continued, “The other con-
subject had an important place... testants who participated were
“In the first stage, I took a 5-min- graduated lawyers. I was the
ute speech video under the title of youngest and only law student of
‘What are war crimes?’ and for- them all.
warded it to the commission. I was In addition, it was very impor-
selected among the participants tant and valuable for me as an
and made it to the final. Later, I Alevi to explain my path and the
stated that the Alevi massacres, painful massacres on such a plat-
especially the Dersim, Maraş and form. Maybe I did not come first,
Sivas massacres, were war crimes. but at the end of the competition,
I prepared a text to explain that they said that the competitors did
there are massacres committed by not know about Alevis, and those
the hand and support of the state who did, had no knowledge of the
and that this is a war crime. massacres in such detail.
Two people from South London For lawyers who have been fight-
Law Society and two people from ing injustices in Turkey, I received
Westminster & Holborn Law So- an invitation to be an assistant
ciety, four people and one of our 'Trial Observation' at a hearing to
assistants, we set off to Bilbao, be held in November.” Ateşcan Ateş