Page 34 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1110
P. 34

Londra Gazete, 16 June 2022                                                                                         3

          Freer: “Turkish businesses in the UK give so much

                                    back to their local communities”

          UK Minister for Exports Mike Fre-
         er was in Turkey last week speaking                                                                                                             EXCULISIVE
         with officials and meeting minis-
         ters as the UK and Turkey look to
         strengthen trade relations.
          The two countries signed a Free
         Trade Agreement in December of
         2020 following the UK’s exit from
         the EU. Freer was in Ankara where
         discussions were held with the aim
         to improve the Free Trade Agree-
         ment and look at new opportunities
         to increase trade relations.
          During his visit Minister Freer
         meet held a meeting with Turk-
         ish Trade Minister Mehmet Mus,   ing with the UK. In a statement to  and services each year between our  investors in the UK and we export  we’re taking Turkish trade. Adding
         Turkish Deputy Minister of Trans-  Londra Gazete Minister for Exports,  two nations and we are always on  more than £6 billion of goods and  “Turkish businesses in the UK give
         port and Infrastructure Ömer Fatih  Mike Freer said: “The UK and Tur-  the lookout for further opportuni-  services in return each year. We re-  so much back to their local com-
         Sayan, Turkish Deputy Minister of  key enjoy a long-standing and fruit-  ties to see that rise. It’s through vis-  cently announced a major £1.7 bil-  munities, and we want to see more
         Industry and Technology Minis-  ful trading relationship, which is  its like these that we can highlight,  lion  deal  to get British businesses  of these small businesses thriving,
         ter Mehmet Fatih Kacir, Mayor of  why it’s so great to be in Ankara and  celebrate and grow on the benefits  involved in the construction of a  which is why SMEs can access the
         Istanbul Ekrem İmamoğlu as well  Istanbul on this visit. We already  and values of trade between both  503km high-speed electric railway,  Export Support Service for informa-
         as  meeting  with  businesses  trad-  trade £18.1 billion worth of goods  countries. “Turkey is one of the top  which shows just how seriously  tion about exporting abroad.”

         Sevcan Kudu was awarded the MBE                               Young stars took to the stage at

              in Queen’s Birthday Honours

          MUSTAFA the UK and the Com-  services to refugees. She is diversity            YoungEast Festival
         monwealth of Nations, it gives out  and inclusion lead at HMP and YOI
         prizes on in the Queen’s Birthday  Bedford                     YOUNGEAST Festival gave  Man Feel In A Well”, Golden Girls  Jiyan Yadırgı, Mehmet Dilberoğ-
         Honours List , this year has seen an-  A “Member of the Order of the   many  young  budding  musicians  composed of Eliz Uzun, Eftelya  lu, Su Demir, Yılmaz Gerçek and
         other Turkish person recognised for  British Empire”, simply called MBE   their first stage experience,  Yeşilkaya, Rüya Clara Lustgar-  Nihat Boz.
         their service.                (has been awarded to Sevcan Kudu   brought their love of music, and  ten, Yaren Uyar, Şimal Uzun, Elif
          Sevcan Kudu, 35, from Northamp-  has worked with people from dif-  created a platform for young mu-  Yeşilkaya all aged just 5-years-  YoungEast Festival, which aims
         tonshire, has been awarded for her  ferent ethnic groups, helping to im-  sicians to perform and showcase  old and Zara Kahraman sang the   to bring out the high potential
         services to prisoners and voluntary  prove the lives of many refugees in   their talents.   song “Mavi Mavi”.              young people of our society living
                                       the community. With her work, she   The festival took place on Sun-  Other performances incudled     in London and introduce them to
                                       has created noticeable changes in the   day, June 12, at the “Tugay Hur-  Beren Doğan, who successfully   the society by bringing them to
                                       lives of refugees.             man Culture and Art Workshop”,  presented the Grade 5 piece “And  the stage, took place at the final
                                         An MBE is awarded to someone for   which was established to keep  Now Let’s Handel”, and Derin  of the 7-piece rock concert of the
                                       having a “major local role in any ac-  the name of Tugay Hurman, one  Ciba, who played Beethoven’s fa-  rock  band HOKKABAZ,  which
                                       tivity, including people whose work   of the former presidents of Alevi  mous work Fur Elise with a soft   is made up of  Kuzey Yıldız, Alp
                                       has made them known nationally   Culture Centre UK (İAKM), who  technique, were among the shin-
                                       in their chosen area.” Notable MBE   passed away at a young age.  ing youth of the festival.  Erçosman, Aras Ganidağlı elec-
                                       winners include The Great British   After the opening performance   The first half of the festival was   tric guitar, Berzan Yapıcı’s drums
                                       Bake Off’s Nadiya Hussain, Adele, all   with the piano by Tugay Hur-  concluded with solo performanc-  ensemble Papa Roach and Linkin
                                       of the Beatles, and TV chef Ainsley   man’s daughters Eylül Hurman  es by Ada Dilberoğlu, Adar Koca,   Park, one of today’s rock ensem-
                                       Harriott.                      and Ecemsu Hurman, after Alp  Ali Haydar Demir, Anıl Sural,   bles such as Ozzy Osbourne, re-
                                                                      Erçosman, took to the stage at  Dora Ciba, Ela Rosa Yıldırım,  ceived great applause with their
                                                                      the age of 4, presented “Once A  Enes Ganidağlı, Esma Ganidağlı,  dynamic works.
         Call for ‘Better life’ march from Day-Mer

          TRADE union congress is holding  kept. Everything is raised, prices are
         a mass march on Saturday, June 18,  increasing every month, inflation is
         with the slogan of ‘a better life’. Day-  increasing, but our wages are not in-
         Mer, the Turkish-Kurdish Solidarity  creasing.
         Centre is calling on members of the   Adding “Organized with the slogan
         community to participation in the  ‘A better life!’, the march will start in
         march to be held.             front of the BBC on Saturday, June
          In a statement Daymer said: “We  18th at 12:00 and will end in the
         are going through a period where  Parliament. Strikes, strike solidarity,
         the prices of everything except our  actions, organized and mass march-
         wages are increasing. Everything  es can only put pressure on the gov-
         from electricity and gas bills to pet-  ernment and make our demands
         rol, transportation, food and cloth-  come true. This is why, as Day-Mer,
         ing has gone up. Inflation due to  we invite our immigrant workers of
         consumption prices has reached 9%  Kurdish and Turkish origin to fight
         according to April data. This increase  together  with  local  and  other  mi-
         in inflation due  to consumption  grant workers and join the march.”
         prices in the last year is the highest   Day-Mer will be meeting ahead of
         figure since January 1997, when  the market at 10am at Community
         national statistical data began to be  Centre London (N17 6PY).
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