Page 31 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1110
P. 31
6 Londra Gazete, 16 June 2022
SNP MP faces Commons PM defends
suspension for sexual misconduct
pended by his party. Rwanda asylum plan as legal
“I am profoundly sorry for my
behaviour and I deeply regret my
actions and their consequences,” challenges fail
Mr Grady told the Commons, giv-
ing a “firm undertaking that such
behaviour on my part will never BORIS Johnson has defend-
happen again”. ed plans to fly asylum seekers to
He also said he had undergone Rwanda as some due to be on the
“bespoke and generic training” first flight failed in their bids to
to improve his conduct since the avoid being removed.
incident. Up to eight people are due to be
In its report, the Independent on Tuesday evening’s flight but
Expert Panel, which recommends appeals against removal are being
AN independent panel has rec- punishments for MPs over bul- The PM said he had always
ommended an SNP MP be sus- lying, harassment or sexual mis- known the scheme would attract
pended from Parliament for two conduct, wrote: “An unwanted “plenty of legal challenges” and
days over a sexual advance to a physical touching, with sexual in- said the government may “very
member of the party’s staff. tent, from a senior MP to a junior well” need to change the law.
Patrick Grady was found to have member of staff, even on a single Mr Johnson said he had long
touched and stroked the neck, occasion, is a significant breach believed the scheme was a “long
hair and back of a colleague 17 of the policy.” process” with potential bumps
years his junior at a social event It noted that Mr Grady had in the road and earlier accused
in a pub in 2016. shown “genuine remorse” and lawyers representing migrants
The SNP former chief whip ad- made “efforts to address his be- of “abetting the work of criminal
mitted his behaviour and apolo- haviour”, but recommended that gangs”.
gised “without reservation” in the he “be suspended for two sitting The cases lodged on behalf of
House of Commons. days, make a public apology in people set to be flown to the east
Mr Grady, MP for Glasgow the House of Commons, and a African nation’s capital Kigali
North, is also expected to be sus- private one to the complainant”.
will be heard before the flight de-
parts, after a last-ditch attempt leave on Tuesday but earlier, For- was originally due to carry dozens
Starmer investigated by to block the flight altogether was eign Secretary Liz Truss had in- of passengers, but most have suc-
rejected by the Court of Appeal sisted that Tuesday’s flight would ceeded in their individual appeals
standards watchdog on Monday. leave. against removal. It is not clear ex-
This judgement was subse-
On Monday, 138 people reached actly how many will leave on the
quently upheld by the Supreme the UK in three boats, with more flight.
PARLIAMENT’S standards com- Gifts and payments received by Court on Tuesday. than 10,000 migrants recorded as On Monday night the Home
missioner is investigating whether MPs are regularly published fort- A No 10 spokesman said, given making the dangerous journey so Office said it was eight, while the
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer broke nightly in the Register of Members’ the legal challenge, he could not far this year. charity Care4Calais said the num-
the rules by being late in registering Financial Interests. be definitive that the flight would The flight on Tuesday evening ber had fallen to seven.
earnings and gifts. A spokesperson for the Labour
MPs must declare within 28 days leader said: “Keir Starmer takes his
any interest which might be reason- declaration responsibilities very seri-
ably considered to influence their ously and has already apologised for EU set to take legal action against
Sir Keir appears to have missed the fact that administrative errors in
this deadline on several occasions, his office have led to a small number UK over post-Brexit deal changes
including over Arsenal FC tickets and of late declarations.
a payment made for writing a book. “The standards commissioner has THE EU is expected to launch
He said: “I am confident there is no asked for more information which legal action against the UK gov-
problem here.” we are happy to provide.” ernment on Wednesday over its
decision to scrap some post-Brex-
it trade arrangements.
Thousands more workers to on some goods travelling from
Ministers insist current checks
vote on action Great Britain to Northern Ireland
must end to avoid harm to the
THOUSANDS more railway work- spokesman said strikes should be a peace process.
ers will vote on whether to go on last resort and urged TSSA to recon- They published a parliamentary
strikes which threaten travel chaos sider. Network Rail said: “Now is not bill on Monday aimed at overrid-
this summer. for time for the TSSA to be jumping ing parts of the deal signed with
The Transport Salaried Staffs on the RMT strike bandwagon.” the EU in 2020.
Association (TSSA) plans to ballot Members of the Rail, Maritime But Brussels says going back on
more than 6,000 staff at Network and Transport (RMT) union at NR the arrangement breaks interna- including checks there on the the UK.
Rail (NR). and 13 train operators will go on tional law. movement of people and goods - At the centre of the UK govern-
It is part of a dispute over pay, strike for three days from 21 June. The Northern Ireland Proto- which both the UK and EU want ment’s plan are measures they say
conditions and job security. Other The RMT and Unite are also hold- col is the part of the Brexit deal to avoid in order to ensure peace would ease the impact on busi-
rail unions will strike next week in ing a one-day strike on the London which keeps Northern Ireland in is maintained. nesses - set out in the Northern
what is the biggest walkout in three Underground on the same day as the the EU’s single market for goods. But instead it means checks on Ireland Protocol Bill - including
decades. first rail strike, in a separate row over This prevents a hard border some goods arriving into North- the concept of “green lanes” and
A Department for Transport jobs and pay. with the Republic of Ireland - ern Ireland from other parts of “red lanes” for trade.