Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1110
P. 32

Londra Gazete, 16 June 2022                                                                                         5

                                                                        Millions to get first cost-of-

                                                                      living payment from 14 July

                                                                        THE first of two payments to help
                                                                      the poorest households with the
                                                                      cost of living will hit people’s bank
                                                                      accounts from 14 July, the govern-
                                                                      ment says.
                                                                        More than eight million UK homes
                                                                      on benefits will receive £326 by the
                                                                      end of July, with a second payment
                                                                      of £324 set to follow in the autumn.
         High Street pharmacists                                      ernment package to help families as
                                                                        It comes as part of a £37bn gov-
                  to make referrals                                   energy, food and fuel bills soar.
                                                                        The  consumer  group  Which?
                                                                      said the cash would “bring relief to
          PEOPLE  with a worrying        The NHS will also send out     But policy director Rocio Concha
         cough, problems swallowing or  more “roaming trucks” to per-  added: “The success of these meas-
         blood in their urine will soon be  form  on-the-spot  scans in  the   ures  will ultimately be  judged  by
         able to be referred for scans and  community.                whether financial help is getting to
         checks by a pharmacist, rather   Lung-scanner vans driven to   the most vulnerable in time to help   £2,800 a year. Bills had already risen  in the UK, regardless of how well
         than  having to  wait  to  see  their  locations, including supermarket   them through this cost-of-living cri-  by £700 on average in April.  off they are, are set to get £400 for
         GP. The new pilot scheme, in Eng-  car parks and football stadiums,   sis.”                   The two cost-of-living payments  help with energy bills this autumn,
                                                                        Inflation - the rate at which prices
         land, aims to diagnose more can-  have already resulted in more   rise - is currently at a 40-year high  - worth £650 in total - will be paid  along with a previously announced
         cers early, when there is a better  people having checks. Now, some   as the war in Ukraine and the pan-  automatically to anyone in England,  £150 council tax rebate. There will
         chance of a cure.             liver lorries will join them.  demic push up the cost of every-  Wales, Scotland and Northern Ire-  also be a separate £300 payment for
          High Street pharmacies will be   About half of all cancers are di-  day essentials. In May, the energy  land receiving any benefit. To be  pensioners, and a £150 payment for
         funded to refer customers for the  agnosed early - but the NHS wants   regulator Ofgem said the typical  eligible for the first instalment, peo-  disabled people, both of which can
         checks.                       this to be at least three-quarters.  household energy bill was set to rise  ple must have started a successful  be paid on top of the £650 cost-of-
                                                                      by £800 in October, bringing it to  benefits claim by 25 May. All homes  living payment.

         Airlines told to cancel flights to

                       stop travel chaos                               Met Office issues heat alert ahead

          UK  airlines have been told to  day, and British Airways, TUI and   of 34C forecast this weekend
         cancel flights they can’t deliver  Easyjet have apologised.
         this summer to stop a rerun of   Staff shortages have been                                    The warning covers parts of  peratures will continue to rise as
         May’s travel chaos.           blamed, after  thousands  of  air-                            England from midnight on Friday  we go through the week, becom-
          The government and the avia-  line jobs were cut during the pan-                           until midnight on Sunday.      ing well above-average by Friday
         tion regulator wrote to carriers  demic and have yet to be replaced                           NHS England and the Met Of-  when many parts of the southern
         on Tuesday telling them to ensure  despite a spike in post-pandemic                         fice have issued a level two heat-  half of the UK are likely to exceed
         their summer timetables were  travel demand.                                                health alert for the East Midlands,  30C and may even reach 34C in
         “deliverable”.                  In their joint letter, the Depart-                          east of England, the southeast  some places.
          They added that earlier cancel-  ment for Transport and the Civil                          and the southwest, meaning      “This is the first spell of hot
         lations were “better” than axing  Aviation  Authority  set  out  five                       there is a 60 per cent chance of  weather this year and it is unusu-
                                                                                                                                    al for temperature to exceed these
                                                                                                     heatwave during this period.
         flights at the last minute.   “specific expectations” for the                                 A level one warning covers parts  values in June. Many areas will
          It comes after tens of thou-  sector.                                                      of  northern  England,  where  the  also see some warm nights with
         sands of passengers have been af-  Airlines and unions told MPs on                          probability of heatwave condi-  minimum temperatures expected
         fected by cancellations and delays  the Commons Business Commit-                            tions is 30 per cent, while there is  to be in the high teens or even low
         at airports.                  tee on Tuesday that the staffing                              a 40 per cent chance in the West  20Cs for some overnight.
          The problem was particular-  shortages blighting the industry   A three-day heat alert has been   Midlands.                The    highest   temperature
         ly bad during Easter and last  were likely to persist this sum-  issued as temperatures are set to   Met Office deputy chief meteor-  reached in the UK so far this year
         month’s half-term school holi-  mer.                         rocket to 34C.                 ologist Dan Rudman said: “Tem-  is 27.5C at Heathrow on 17 May.

                                                                       Instagram launches new parental controls in UK

                                                                        INSTAGRAM owner Meta is  activate the supervision tools - previ-
                                                                      launching new parental controls  ously these could only be initiated by
                                                                      across the platform in the UK on 14  the young person.
                                                                      June. They include the option of set-  The new VR controls include pur-
                                                                      ting daily time limits of between 15  chase approval, app blocking and the
                                                                      minutes and 2 hours, after which a  option to view their child’s friends’
                                                                      black screen appears on the app.  lists.
                                                                        Parents can also schedule break   Another Instagram feature be-
                                                                      times  and  see any  accounts their  ing trialled is a “nudge” tool which
                                                                      child reports, and why they did so. In  prompts teens to look for differ-
                                                                      addition, the tech giant is rolling out  ent subjects, if they are repeatedly
                                                                      a parent dashboard on all Quest vir-  searching for the same thing.
                                                                      tual reality headsets worldwide. Par-  The Instagram tools were intro-
                                                                      ents can now invite their children to  duced in the US in March.
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