Page 60 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1103
P. 60

Londra Gazete, 28 April 2022                                                                                        5

         New law raises minimum marriage

              age to 18 in England and Wales

          THE  legal age of marriage and
         civil partnerships has been raised
         to 18 in England and Wales.
          Previously, people could get                                                                            Kellogg's in court battle over
         married at 16 or 17 as long as
         they had parental consent.                                                                             new rules for high-sugar cereals
          The new law also applies to cul-
         tural or religious marriages that                                                                        FOOD  giant  Kellogg's  is  high in fat, salt or sugar will be
         are not registered with the local                                                                     taking the government to  restricted.
         council.                                                                                              court over new rules that   Products covered by the
          Conservative    MP      Pauline                                                                      would prevent some cereals  restrictions will also not be
         Latham, who introduced the                                                                            being prominently displayed  allowed to be featured in key
         bill to Parliament, said it would                                                                     in stores because of their high  locations such as checkouts,
         "transform the life chances of                                                                        sugar content.            store entrances, aisle ends and
                                                                                                                 Kellogg's says the rules fail  their online equivalents.
         many girls".                        Backed by the government, the  partnerships that happened be-     to consider the nutritional   Popular  brands  such  as
          Under the new rules, children    bill has sailed through Parliament   fore the legislation comes into   value of the milk added to the  Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes and
         will not face penalties but adults   with very little opposition - and   force.                       product.                  Fruit and Fibre are classified
         who facilitate their marriage                                        It does not apply to Northern      The company says inde-  as foods that are high in fat,
         could face up to seven years in jail   will receive Royal Assent later   Ireland and Scotland, where the   pendent market data shows  sugar or salt in their dry form
         and a fine.                       this week, meaning it will become   minimum age will stay at 16 - in   cereals are eaten with milk or  and so retailers may be pre-
          This would include adults who    law.                              Northern Ireland you still need   yoghurt in 92% of cases.  vented from displaying such
         took children abroad to carry out   The new law will not affect the  parental consent to marry at 16,   But the government said  products in prominent posi-
         the marriage.                     validity of any marriages or civil  but in Scotland you don't.      the new rules would help tack-  tions, harming sales.
                                                                                                               le childhood obesity.      Including added milk would
                                                                                                                 Under  the  new  regulations  change the calculation  by re-
         Shoppers could face £271 rise in annual food bills                                                    for England, which come into  ducing the proportion of sugar
                                                                                                               force from October, retailer  and salt content relative to the
          THE average food bill could in-  war and rising raw material costs  pennies."Aldi was the fastest grow-  promotions on food and drink  weight of the overall serving.
         crease by £271 this year as prices  are all contributing to soaring food  ing retailer during the period the
         continue to rise, research suggests.  prices. Fraser McKevitt, head of  data covers, with its sales increas-
         Grocery prices were 5.9% higher in  retail and consumer insight at Kan-  ing by 4.2% over the 12 weeks to 17
         April than a year ago, the biggest  tar, said: "The average household  April. This was closely followed by
         increase since December 2011, ac-  will now be exposed to a potential  Lidl, which was up 4%. More than
         cording to research company Kan-  extra £271 per year. "A lot of this is  one million extra shoppers visited
         tar.                              going on non-discretionary, every-  the two retailers respectively over
          It said shoppers were turning to  day essentials which will prove dif-  the period compared with this time
         discount retailers Aldi and Lidl as  ficult to cut back on as budgets are  last year, with both achieving re-
         pressures on budgets grows.       squeezed. We're seeing a clear flight  cord-breaking market shares, ac-
          Supply chain issues, the Ukraine  to value as shoppers watch their  cording to Kantar.
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