Page 59 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1103
P. 59

6                                                                                           Londra Gazete, 28 April 2022

                                                                       Truss: West should provide

                                                                            Ukraine with warplanes

                                                                        MR BRITAIN and other West-
                                                                      ern powers should provide war-
                                                                      planes to Ukraine, Foreign Sec-
                                                                      retary Liz Truss will say, as part
                                                                      of long-term military support.
                                                                        In a major speech in London,
                                                                      Ms Truss will argue that the
                                                                      West "must be prepared for the
                                                                      long haul and double down on
                                                                      our support" for the country.
         Report: New Brexit rules caused                                Since   Russia's   invasion,

             major shock to UK-EU trade                               Ukraine has repeatedly asked al-  complacent".                  Prime Minster Boris Johnson
                                                                      lies to supply heavy armaments
                                                                                                       "If Putin succeeds there will  said on Tuesday he would be
                                                                      such as aeroplanes and tanks.  be untold further misery across  happy for Ukrainian forces to
          THERESA  THE introduction of  many customs checks on EU goods   Nato has provided mostly only  Europe and terrible consequenc-  use British-supplied weapons to
         new post-Brexit trading rules last  until this year.         lighter weaponry amid fears of  es across the globe. We would  strike targets inside Russia to
         year caused a "major shock" to UK-  "The number of export relation-  escalation.            never feel safe again," she will  protect themselves.
         EU trade, a study claims.     ships with the EU fell sharply in   Ms Truss will tell an audience  say on Wednesday evening.  Russian Foreign Minister Ser-
          The research from the LSE Centre   2021," said Rebecca Freeman, co-au-  at Mansion House, in the City   "Heavy weapons, tanks, aer-  gei Lavrov has said that, by arm-
         for Economic Performance found UK   thor of the report and associate of   of London, that "the fate of  oplanes - digging deep into our  ing Ukraine, Nato had already
         imports from the EU fell by 25% rela-  the Centre for Economic Perfor-  Ukraine remains in the balance"  inventories, ramping up produc-  effectively "entered into a war
         tive to those from elsewhere in 2021.  mance's (CEP) trade programme.  and that the West "cannot be  tion. We need to do all of this."  with Russia through proxies".
          Its authors suggest new rules had   The researchers behind the report
         also caused many UK firms to stop   say that extra red tape, customs con-
         exporting to the trade bloc.  trols and taxes may have hit Europe-
          The government said it was ensur-  an businesses hard.       Tory frontbencher ‘caught watching
         ing businesses had the support they   Full border checks are still yet to
         need to trade with Europe.    be implemented though. They have          porn in House of Commons’
          Thomas Prayer of the LSE called
         the decline in exports to the EU "re-  been delayed until July and there
         markable".                    have been suggestions they might be   A  claim that a Conservative  sources as saying that around a  they’re concentrating on what
          "It appears the UK simply stopped   put back again.         frontbencher watched pornog-   dozen  female Tory  MPs  at  last  they’re doing and not their mo-
         selling a lot of products to smaller   While exports to the EU appear to   raphy on his phone in the House  night’s meeting shared accounts  bile phones.”
         countries in the EU," he added.  have  recovered  after  falling  earlier   of Commons is being investigat-  of sexism and harassment by   The  revelation comes  after
          Researchers also described the   in 2021, the authors argue that this   ed by the party.   colleagues.                    misogny was thrust to the fore-
         findings as "surprising", given that  reflects an increase in sales of costly   The office of chief whip Chris   Asked about the claims on  front of politics by a report
         Brexit had a greater impact on im-  large machinery.         Heaton Harris said “action will  the BBC’s Politics Live, Tory  in The Mail on Sunday which
         ports than exports in 2021 and the   The total variety of goods sold has   be taken” against the claim –  MP Brendan Clarke-Smith said:  quoted an anonymous Tory MP
         UK has delayed the introduction of  declined by 30%/         which comes as misogny in pol-  “That’s  unacceptable in  any  accusing Labour deputy leader
                                                                      itics is under heightened scruti-  workplace really … if somebody  Angela Rayner of crossing and
                                                                      ny.                            has done that then quite rightly  uncrossed  her legs  at  PMQs  to
         Discharging hospital patients to                             was sat next to the frontbencher  consequences for that.”       Ms Rayner on Wednesday hit
                                                                        A female minister who said she  I would expect there to be some  distract Boris Johnson.
                   care homes 'unlawful'                              at the time told colleagues about   Saying he would “call it out” if  out at the “sexist slurs” aimed at
                                                                      the incident at a meeting of Tory  he saw it happening, he added:  her as the editor of The Mail On
          GOVERNMENT  policies on dis-  sion of the virus.            MPs in Westminster last night,  “I think that’s incredibly un-  Sunday refused a meeting with
         charging patients from hospital to   The women partially succeeded in   according to the Mirror.  professional. I would hope that  the Commons Speaker to dis-
         care homes at the start of the Covid  claims  against  the  health  secretary   The Mirror also cited three  when they’re in the chamber  cuss the article.
         pandemic have been ruled unlawful  and Public Health England.
         by the High Court.              In their ruling, Lord Justice Bean
          The ruling comes after two women  and Mr Justice Garnham concluded
         took the government to court, say-  that, despite there being "growing   Man charged with assaulting ex-Tory leader
         ing  Covid  patients  were  discharged  awareness" of the risk of asymp-
         from hospitals back to care homes  tomatic  transmission  throughout   A man has appeared in court   He  said  it  happened  as  he  was
         without testing.              March 2020, there was no evidence   charged with  assaulting  former  walking to a fringe event at the
          Dr Cathy Gardner and Fay Harris,  that then Health Secretary Matt   Conservative Party leader Sir Iain  Conservative  Party conference in
         whose fathers died, said it caused a  Hancock addressed the issue of the   Duncan Smith.    the city.
         "shocking death toll" of residents.  risk to care home residents of such   Elliot Bovill, 31, is accused of   Mr Bovill was told the case was
          The government had said it  transmission.                   common assault against the senior  being moved to Westminster Mag-
         "worked tirelessly" to protect the   However, the judges rejected other   MP in Manchester on or around 4  istrates' Court and was granted un-
         public.                       claims made under human rights leg-  October 2021.            conditional bail to appear again on
          The women said key policies of  islation, and against NHS England.  No further details of the offence  16 May.
         discharging patients from hospitals   Before the ruling was announced   were read out at Manchester Mag-  Two other people have been
         into care homes were implemented  the government had said: "Every   istrates' Court and Mr Bovill did  charged in connection with the in-
         with no testing and no suitable isola-  death is a tragedy and we worked
         tion arrangements in the homes.  tirelessly to protect the public from   not enter a plea.  cident.
          The High Court said the policies  the threat to life and health posed by   Sir Iain previously told The Spec-  Radical Haslam, 28 and Ruth  or provoke unlawful violence.
         failed to take into account the risk  the pandemic and specifically sought   tator magazine he was struck on  Wood,  50  are accused  of  using   Mr Haslam did not attend court.
         to elderly and vulnerable residents  to safeguard care homes and their   the back of the head with a traffic  threatening, abusive words or be-  Ms Wood appeared by videolink
         from non-symptomatic transmis-  residents.                   cone.                          haviour with intent to cause fear of  and was also bailed until 16 May.
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