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P. 56

Londra Gazete, 28 April 2022                                                                                        9

                                                                       Scientists find 58 new genetic clues

                                                                               that point to causes of cancer

                                                                        ANALYSIS  of thousands of
                                                                      tumours from NHS patients has
                                                                      identified a ‘treasure trove’ of
                                                                      new clues about the causes of
                                                                        In the biggest study of its kind,
         MPs launch survey on body                                    researchers at Cambridge Univer-
                                                                      sity Hospitals looked at the geno-
           image and mental health                                    mes of more than 12,000 people
                                                                      with cancer in England.
          A survey looking at the effect of  most.                      They spotted 58 new patterns
         body image on physical and mental   There are no questions in the sur-  in their DNA, called mutational
         health has been launched by MPs in  vey about the link between social   signatures, suggesting there are
         England.                      media and negative body image,   causes that scientists are not yet
          It also asks whether people have  despite the current inquiry into the   aware of.
         used the NHS to deal with body im-  effect of influencer culture being   The researchers hope the disco-
         age issues and how successful servic-  conducted by the Department for   very will allow future studies to
         es have been.                 Culture, Media and Sport.      work  out  the  root  of  these  can-  ‘fingerprints at a crime scene’.  sent within a tumour helps to fi-
          The Health and Social Care Com-  The inquiry comes after the Wom-  cer-causing mutations.    She said the findings could in-  gure out the root cause of them
         mittee will use the survey as part of  en and Equalities Committee found   Scientists were aware of just 51   dicate an ‘Achilles heel’ in indivi-  and point towards whether the
         its ongoing inquiry into the impact  in 2020 that 61% of adults and 66%   mutational signatures before the   dual cancers that could be targe-  mutation was caused by environ-
         of body image.                of children felt negative or very neg-  new find, including changes cau-  ted with treatment.  mental factors or a genetic prob-
          At the first session in March,  ative about their body image most of   sed by smoking or UV light.  Around 375,000 new cancer ca-  lem.
         The Vamps guitarist James Brit-  the time.                     Identifying these signatures   ses are diagnosed in the UK every   The researchers used their fin-
         tain-McVey  told  MPs  about  being   Diet culture, Photoshop and social   also allow doctors to look at each   year.      dings to develop an algorithm
         pressured into getting liposuction at  media were cited as some of the big-  patient’s tumour and match it to   Cancer is caused by mutations  called Signature Fit Multi-Step
         20.                           gest causes of poor body image, along   specific treatments and medicati-  in the genome of cells, which cau-  (FitMS) that can spot mutational
          This session will hear from doc-  with the lack of diverse representa-  ons.               ses cells to multiply out of control  signatures in new cancer genome
         tors, researchers and people with  tion in advertising campaigns.  However, the patterns can only   until they form a tumour.  samples.
         Body Dysmorphic Disorder.       Those who responded to the sur-  be detected in cancer patients   Cancers are thought to have   Only patients who have had
          Questions in the survey cover a  vey called for major change, includ-  who have had their whole genome
         range  of  topics,  including  whether  ing more funding for mental health   sequenced by scientists — which  a finite amount of mutational  their cancers whole genome sequ-
         thoughts and feelings on body image  services, and changes to school   isn’t routinely done.  processes,  fuelling  the  search  to  enced will be able to benefit from
         negatively impact quality of life, and  curriculums  to  help  teach  children   Professor Serena Nik-Zainal,  identify them all and what causes  this tool, but the team believes
         which aspects of life are affected the  about body diversity.  a genomic expert who led the  them.                         it can be rolled out to them ‘very
                                                                      study, said these patterns are like   Knowing the signatures are pre-  quickly’.

         Outbreak of children’s                                       `

             hepatitis ‘linked to                                         Women asked if bladder drug should

                                                                                   be available over the counter
                 Covid lockdown’                                           A pill to help  treat  an  trips and distressing acci-  can make day-to-day living

                                                                          overactive bladder - which  dents.                       extremely challenging.
          A “worrying” rise in cases of   A lack of social mixing could   affects millions of women     Symptoms include having      "It can impact on relati-
         hepatitis in children could have  be a factor in why it was hitting   - could soon be available  to urinate at least eight ti-  onships, on work, on so-
         been brought on by Covid lock-  their age-group the hardest.     to buy in the UK without  mes a day and more than        cial life, and it can lead to
         downs.                          This suggested “a susceptibili-  prescription.               once during the night.       anxiety and depression.
          The  number  of  investigated   ty factor - so lack of prior expo-  The Medicines and Healt-  It would be the first time a
         cases of “acute hepatitis of un-  sure of that particular age group   hcare products Regulatory  medicine for the treatment   "Fortunately there are tre-
         known origin” in children under   during the formative stages that   Agency (MHRA) wants wo-  of overactive bladder would   atments around, and from
         the age of 10 has risen to 114, ac-  they've gone through during the   men  and  doctors  to  submit  be available without presc-  today you will have a chance
         cording to the UK Health Security   pandemic”, she said.         their views.                ription.                     to have your say on whether
         Agency (UKHSA).                 The outbreak has seen as many     Aquiette tablets treat the   Dr Laura Squire, from the   one of those treatments,
          Public health officials said a   cases detected in the past three   "urge to pee" condition whi-  MHRA, said: "For many wo-  Aquiette, can be available
         lack of exposure to common in-  months as we would normally ex-  ch can cause frequent toilet  men, an overactive bladder   for the first time without a
         fections during children’s “form-  pect to see in a year.                                                                 prescription."
         ative” years, due to social distanc-                                                                                        The  consultation will  run
         ing and lockdown restrictions,    Cases are mainly in children                                                            for three weeks, closing on
         may explain the global outbreak   under five who have displayed in-                                                       6 May, 2022.details can be
         in cases of the disease that has   itial symptoms of diarrhoea and                                                        found  on
         killed one child worldwide.   nausea, followed by jaundice - a                                                            uk/government/consulta-
          Dr Meera Chand - who is lead-  condition in which the skin and
         ing the UKHSA’s investigation   eyes yellow, tell-tale signs the liv-                                                     tions/consultation-on-pro-
         into the rise in cases - told a   er is struggling.                                                                       p o s al- to-m a ke-aquie t-
         briefing that children were not   Three-quarters of cases in the                                                          te-25mg-tablets-oxybuty-
         being exposed to the virus in  UK have been linked to adenovi-                                                            nin-hydrochloride-availab-
         their early years due to lockdown  ruses, a viral infection which usu-                                                    le-from-pharmacies
         restrictions.                 ally causes the common cold.
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