Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1101
P. 38
Londra Gazete, 14 April 2022 3
65 candidates take their place
in London’s race to the polls
AS Londoners get ready to bour with just one Conservative council leader chosen directly by (Con/Bowes Park) Royal Hospital Ward)
take to the poll casting their candidate and one Liberal Dem- voters in an executive mayoral 3. Ahmet Oykener(LAB/
votes to elect 1,817 councillors ocrat. system. Bowes Park) HARINGEY- 4
across London’s boroughs, Lon- Londra Gazete also found can- 4. Otkay Cinpolat (IND/ 1. Erdal Doagn (LAB/
dra Gazete this week looks into didates across Haringey, Bexley, (LAB- Labour Party, CON- Edmonton Green) Bruce Castle)
seeing where candidates from Croydon, Camden, Ealing and Conservative Party, LIB-D- Lib- 5. Gunes Arkbulut(LAB/ 2. Makbule Gunes (LAB/
the Turkish, Turkish Cypriot Wandsworth. 20 years ago, in eral Democrats, IND- Independ- Edmonton Green) South Tottenham)
and Kurdish communities will 2002 just 16 Turkish candidates ent) 6. ErWgin Erbil(LAB/ Ed- 3. Peray Ahmet (LAB/Noel
be on the ballot paper this May stood had stood in the elec- monton Green) Park)
5th. tion, while in 2014 a recorded BEXLEY- 2 7. Suna hurman(LAB/En- 4. Emine Ibrahim(LAB/
Based on Londra Gazete re- number of 83 candidates cam- 1. Cafer Munur (CON/ field Lock) Noel Park)
search this year 65 candidates paigned to represent their local Blackfen & Lamorbey) 8. Sabri Ozaydin (LAB/
from the Turkish, Turkish Cyp- constitution. In 2018, 36 can- 2. Andy (Ahmet) Dour- Enfield Lock) HACKNEY - 8
riot and Kurdish communities didates were elected as council- moush(Con/Longands) 9. Eylem Yuruk(LAB/ En- 1. Altan Hassan (LIB-D/
are racing to gain seats across lors. field Lock) Dalston)
10 London councils. CROYDON-1 10. Hivran Dalkaya (LAB/ 2. Faruk Tinaz(LAB/
Nearly half of these are can be HOW DO LONDON’S 1. Yusuf Ali Os- Brimsdown) Stamford Hill West)
found in Enfield where 33 candi- BOROUGHS WORK? man(LIB-D/Waddon) 11. Ahmet Hassan (LAB/ 3. Deniz Cemgil Oguz-
dates, a majority of which from Each of London’s 32 boroughs Brimsdown) kanli (LAB/Lea Bridge)
the Labour party will be racing are divided into wards for which CAMDEN – 1 12. Bektas Ozer (LAB/ 4. Mete Serdar Coban
three independent candidates, voters can make their choice on 1. Meriç Apak (LAB/ Brimsdown) (LAB/Stoke Newington)
three Conservatives and two the councillors for each seat. Kentish Town) 13. Mustafa Cetinkaya 5. Ali Henry Sadek (La-
Liberal Democrats. The second A councillor will sit for four (LAB/Hazelbury) bour/King’s Park)
borough with the highest num- years. EALING – 1 14. Ayten Guzel(LAB/
ber of candidates is Waltham In 27 boroughs the council 1. Devrim Kutlu (Trade Southbury) 6. Muharrem Can Ozsen
Forest with 11 in contrast here leader is determined by the par- Unionist and Socialist Coali- 15. Mehmut Aksanoglu (LAB/London Fields)
the candidates are of a Conserv- ty group with the most overall tion/South Action) (LAB/Southbury) 7. Ilkay Cinko-Oner (LAB/
ative majority, with two Liberal council seats. 16. Sinan Boztas (LAB/ Laycock)
Democrats. The five other boroughs: Tow- ENFIELD- 33 Lower Edmonton) 8. Joe Mehmet (CON/
The third is Hackney where 8 er Hamlets, Hackney, Lewish- 1. Uddin Mahtab (LAB/ 17. Guney Dogan (LAB/ Canonbury)
candidates from the community am, Newham, and, from May Anros Grove) Lower Edmonton)
stand, a majority of these are la- 2022, Croydon have their local 2. Ediz Cahit Mevlut 18. Elif Erbil (LAB/Lower ISLINGTON- 4
Ebu Bekir Cetinkaya
Edmonton) (CON/Arsenal)
19. Esin Gunes(LAB/Bulls-
Gulcin Ozdemir (LAB/
moor) St George)
20. Gunseli Erdogan
(LIB-D/ Bullsmoor) 3. Omer Esen (Trade Un-
EXCULISIVE ionist and Socialist Coalition
21. Susan Erbil(LAB/Cater-
hatch) (TUSC/Holloway)
22. Tolgay Suleyman 4. Nurullah Turan (LAB/
(CON/High Field) Laycock)
23. Mutlu Kurtulus Mevilt
Beyzade (IND/Palmers Green) WALTHAM FOREST- 10
24. Ertan Hurer (CON/ 1. Eylem Kizil (CON/
Palmers Green) Cann Hill)
25. Zeynep Aksano- 2. Sazimet Palta Imre
glu(LAB/Ridgeway) (CON/Chingford Green)
26. Yalcin Aksanoglu(LAB/ 3. Isa Kay(CON/Ching-
Ridgeway) ford Green)
27. Hassan Yusuf (LAB/ 4. Ismet Karameh-
Whitewebbs) met(CON/Forest)
28. Ayfer Orhan (LIB-D/ 5. Sakarya Karameh-
Whitewebbs) met(CON/Forest)
29. Isik Husyein Akpinar 6. Sema Karameh-
(LAB/Bush Hill Park) met(CONForest)
30. Nesil Caliskan(LAB/Ju- 7. Canan Nuri(LIB-D/Hale
bilee) End & Highams)
31. Alev Cazimoglu (LAB/ 8. justin halabi(CON/
Jubilee Hatch Lane)
32. Cemal Sazdili (IND/Ju- 9. Eliz Karamehmet(CON/
bilee) Leyton)
33. Sibel Ozcelik(LAB/ 10. Ipek Naciye Ozer-
Town) im(LIB-D/Valley)
CHELSEA – 1 1. Aydin Dikerdem (LAB/
1. Cem Kemahli (CON/ Shaftesbury & Queenstown)