Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1101
P. 37

4                                                                                           Londra Gazete, 14 April 2022

                                                                       One third of London-based office

                                                                           workers plan to quit their jobs

                                                                        A  round a third of office work-
                                                                      ers in London plan to quit their
                                                                      jobs, research has found.
                                                                        Researchers surveyed more
                                                                      than 2,000 workers in the capital
                                                                      and found that 33 per cent are ac-
                                                                      tively looking for new roles.
                                                                        Employees cited a lack of flexi-
                                                                      bility, poor work/life balance and
                                                                      wanting a higher salary as the
                                                                      main drivers fuelling their desire
                                                                      for change.
                                                                        One in ten (12 per cent) said a
                Night Tube services to                                lack of access to appropriate tech-
            restart Jubilee line in May                               nology as their reason for quit-
                                                                      ting while one in four (26%) said
                                                                      they  want more  opportunity for   in three (30 per cent) actively   The survey also revealed a quar-
             NIGHT  Tube services will  ed in March 2020 due to the   career progression.            looking for a new role.        ter (26 per cent) of office workers
           return to the Jubilee line on  coronavirus pandemic.         Across the UK, people aged     This compares to just one in  in London feel a lot more positive
           21 May, Transport for London   The return of the Night Tube   between 25 and 34 are the most  eight (13 per cent) of those aged  about their career prospects now
           (TfL) has announced.         has also been unpopular with   likely to depart with almost one  55 and over.               than they did pre-pandemic.
             Trains will run through the  the union.
           night on Fridays and Satur-   Strike action by the RMT has
           days, joining the Central and  severely hampered  the service    Mistrust fuelled low Covid vaccine
           Victoria lines which resumed  since its resumption in No-
           night services in November.  vember. In January, the union
             The Northern and Piccadilly  said its drivers would be strik-  uptake by minorities, UCL study finds
           line night services will return  ing every Friday and Saturday
           in the summer, TfL says.     night for six months, following   INITIAL take-up of Covid jabs                             er uptake of other vaccines due to
             The National Union of Rail,  on from strikes in December.  was lower in the capital  because                           higher ethnicity, greater depriva-
           Maritime and Transport Work-  TfL says that despite the    some Londoners had a “critical”                               tion and greater population turno-
           ers (RMT) has not ruled out  action, both the Victoria and   lack of trust in the new vaccines and                       ver than the rest of the country.
           strike action.               Central lines are running on   in the authorities promoting and                              The study involved surveys and in-
             The Night Tube was suspend-  weekends.                   administering them, a study has                               terviews with borough council offi-
                                                                      found.                                                        cials and the staff in the capital’s five
                                                                        It also pointed to “barriers” in get-                       NHS integrated care systems.
                                                                      ting the vaccines to zero-hour and                             Thirteen councils said that, for
                                                                      shift-workers, many of whom felt                              ethnic minority residents, vaccine
                   Safety checks cause                                there were more “costs than bene-                             hesitancy resulted from distrust of
                                                                      fits” because of the time off needed
          Metropolitan line disruption                                to get a jab and the risk of side ef-                         government institutions due to “in-
                                                                                                                                    equalities, deep rooted racism and
                                                                        But it said the switch away from                            historic injustices”.
           URGENT safety checks are be-  increased the rate of inspection   relatively inaccessible mass vacci-                      This included concerns among
         ing  carried  out  on  trains  running  of these trains to make detailed   nation centres, such as the ExCeL               residents with  a lack of  ID, proof
         on the Metropolitan line section  checks of the entire fleet,” a TfL   centre, to a “hyper local” supply paid              of address or immigration status.
         of the Tube, Transport for London  statement said.           dividends and is the model to follow                          Mistrust was said to be “deeply en-
         (TfL) has said. TfL is warning of se-  Passengers are being advised to   in future.         improve uptake.                grained” for some.
         vere disruption as engineers check  check before they travel.  The study, by researchers at Uni-  The first jabs were given in Decem-  There was a lack of trust in the
         over the entire fleet of trains which   TfL announced a special service   versity College London and involv-  ber 2020 but uptake among black   information being given about the
         also run on the Circle and Ham-  will be running on the line saying     ing the government’s Office for  Londoners in the first six months  safety of vaccines, particularly in
         mersmith & City lines.        “Trains are operating between Bak-  Health  Improvement  and Dispar-  was 57-65 per cent of those eligible,  ethnic communities and among
          The trains were only introduced  er Street and Amersham/Chesham   ities, is the most comprehensive  compared with 90 per cent in the  women of child-bearing age, mostly
                                                                                                                                    as a result of social media and online
         in 2010, but TfL said a fault had  every 30 minutes, between Baker   work to date that looked at reasons  white British cohort.  scare stories.
                                                                                                      London has historically had low-
                                                                      for vaccine “hesitancy” and how to
         been identified on some of their  Street and Watford every 15 min-
         wheels.                       utes, and between Uxbridge and
          As a result engineers are increas-  Aldgate every 15 minutes.”
         ing the frequency of inspections.  TfL said tickets are being accept-  Met receives hundreds of reports a year of parents
          “Safety is our top priority, and as  ed on London Buses and Chiltern
         a precautionary measure we have  Railways.                                              attacked by children
                                                                        HUNDREDS of reports of par-  577 in 2020, including a spike  the extent of so-called CAPVA in-
                                                                      ents and carers being attacked  when lockdown started.        cidents (Child/Adolescent to Par-
                                                                      by their teenage or young adult   But it admitted it was “difficult  ent Violence and Abuse) recorded
                                                                      children are received by the Met-  to accurately assess the scale” of  in Met police data.
                                                                      ropolitan police every year, a  threats  and  violence  across  the   It aimed to “shine a light” on a
                                                                      ground-breaking  report revealed  capital as about 40 per cent of vic-  little-known problem to direct re-
                                                                      Tuesday.                       tims did not report the incidents  sources into the area.
                                                                        The analysis of child-to-parent  due to distrust of police, fear of   Experts said incidents involved
                                                                      violence and abuse  – primarily  criminalising their children or  “spitting, hitting, name calling,
                                                                      young adult men attacking their  suffering retribution.       destroying property and threats
                                                                      mother - unearthed 846 allega-   The report, for City Hall’s vio-  of  violence”  against parents  and
                                                                      tions in 2018, 653 in 2019 and  lence reduction unit, investigated  siblings.
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