Page 36 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1101
P. 36
Londra Gazete, 14 April 2022 5
Warning travel problems could continue into summer
WORKER shortages mean sands of jobs during the pan- their posts by the summer.
airports and ports are facing a demic, but as demand for flights On Monday, Heathrow admit-
"very difficult summer", a bor- has returned, it has struggled ted resources were "stretched",
der staff union has said. to recruit, carry out securi- as it revealed March was its bus-
Lucy Moreton, from the Im- ty checks and train new staff iest month since the start of the
migration Services Union, quickly enough. pandemic.
warned that Border Force was The Aviation Recruitment The Home Office also said
"catastrophically under-staffed" Network, which is working with travellers may face longer waits
and that it took nearly a year to airports including Heathrow, than usual over the Easter peri-
fully train new officers. Gatwick, Stansted and Man- od due to high passenger num-
Meanwhile, one aviation re- chester, said it currently had bers. "Border Force's number
cruitment expert said it would more than 300 live vacancies - a one priority is to maintain a
take at least 12 months for record for this time of year. secure border, and we will not
shortages to settle down. Heathrow has said security compromise on this. We are mo-
Some travellers from across checks and training mean it can bilising additional staff to help
the countries have seen long take three to six months before minimise queuing times for pas-
queues and cancellations over new recruits can start working. sengers and will continue to de-
Easter. It is aiming to have 1,000 new ploy our staff flexibly to manage
The travel industry cut thou- security officers recruited and in this demand," a statement said.
Average house prices jump by £27,000 in a year
THE average UK house price England grew by 10.7% to an av- but picked up slightly to rise by
in February was £27,000 higher erage of £296,000 in February. 8.1% as the return of City work-
than a year earlier as it reached a Wales reported a rise of 14.2% to ers bolstered the capital’s recov-
record £277,000, according to of- £205,000, while prices increased ery.
ficial data. by 11.7% to £181,000 in Scot- The ONS also revealed that pri-
The Office for National Statis- land, and by 7.9% to £159,000 in vate rental prices paid by tenants
tics (ONS) said prices increased Northern Ireland. across the UK increased by 2.4%
by 10.9% in February against the Prices across London saw the in the year to March, up slightly
same month last year. lowest annual growth in England from 2.3% the previous month.
This highlighted an acceleration
in price growth after the statis-
tics body reported a 10.2% rise in
February’s jump in prices was
beyond the expectations of ex-
perts, with analysts having fore-
cast 10.1%.
Ceri Lewis, house prices statis-
tician at the ONS, said: “House
prices rose again this month, with
prices in the UK and England now
at record levels.
Extinction Rebellion promises also continued, with their highest
“The fast rise in UK rental prices
‘Mass action’ across London annual growth in nearly six years.
“All nations and regions saw in-
creases, with London experienc-
EXTINCTION Rebellion has actiivies group Just Stop Oil ing its strongest rise in a year.”
promised unspecified “mass ac- climbing atop, and glueing them- The ONS said house prices in
tion” in London as the climate ac- selves to, oil tankers at Purfleet
tivist group continues a week of terminal.
protests in the capital. Police officers in Essex were Every Kinder product that has been
Members will be meeting in seen applying a special solution
Hyde Park this on Wednesday to activists hands to counteract
morning before launching into the superglue before arresting recalled due to salmonella concerns
a surprise demonstration from them.
midday to demand action and at- On Twitter they said: “ We are A recall of Kinder chocolate prod- nella cases linked to Kinder prod- Tina Potter, head of incidents at
tention over the climate crisis. in civil resistance. This morning ucts amid salmonella fears has been ucts, said the new update means all the FSA, said: “Consumers should
It comes after XR activists we occupied a tanker on the roads extended to include all of those the products in the recall notice, no follow the advice in the latest recall
blocked the entrance to Lloyd’s near Purfleet terminal to stop the manufactured at a site in Belgium, matter what the best-before date is, notice, which details all of the prod-
of London on Tuesday to protest flow of oil.” regardless of their best-before date. should not be eaten. ucts which may pose a risk...”
against the insurance sector’s They added: “Actions contin- Chocolate firm Ferrero has wid- The recall is related to the same The UKHSA has said the symp-
backing of the fossil fuel indus- ue after the UK government has ened the recall to include all Kinder products – Kinder Surprise, Kind- toms of salmonellosis usually re-
try. failed to issue a meaningful state- products manufactured at their Ar- er Mini Eggs, Kinder Surprise solve themselves within a few days
The day before, protesters wore ment on their relationship with lon site between June and the pres- 100g and Kinder Schokobons – an- but that symptoms can be more
masks of politicians and rats as oil, and is instead pushing for ent date, the Food Standards Agen- nounced earlier in the week. severe, especially in young children
The UK Health Security Agency
cy (FSA) said on Friday night.
they kicked off the week of action more new oil fields. The previous recall only covered (UKHSA) said on Wednesday that and those with weakened immune
with demonstrations in the cap- “We must stop new oil now. For products with best-before dates up 63 people in the UK, mostly young systems.
ital. the future. For the children. For to October 7, 2022. children, are known to have been Anyone with concerns that they
This week protest have aslo be the economy. We are running out The FSA, which is continuing to infected with salmonella in the out- might have salmonellosis is urged
taken place in Essex with While of time.” investigate an outbreak of salmo- break linked to the treats. to contact their GP or call NHS 111.