Page 36 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1095
P. 36
Londra Gazete, 03 March 2022 5
DVLA warns drivers to pay car tax by
April before price increase
DRIVERS should pay their car Budget on March 23. creased rate from 1 March."
tax by April or they could face an The changes to VED will be in With the taxes set to rise due to
increase in the price, the Driv- line with the rise in inflation and the spike in inflation affecting the
er and Vehicle Licensing Agency a policy paper published by HM UK at the moment, Brits will save
(DVLA) has warned. Revenue and Customs (HMRC) by taxing their cars now instead
The DVLA is urging motorists said that the increase will be a of after April.
to take note of the change and "standard uprating" in line with VED is measured using the ve-
to make sure that they manage the Retail Price Index.
to avoid the changes which could Drivers should pay their car tax hicle's age and how much CO2
see people paying more than they now to avoid an increase in car the car produces.
need to. tax that is coming into effect in Autotrader explained: "Vehi-
What is the change to car tax? April this year. cles producing over 255g of CO2
Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) The government explained: "If emissions per km travelled will
will change and this will be an- you change the tax class on 25 see their first-year rate rise from
nounced in Rishi Sunak's spring March, you’ll have to pay the in- £2,245 to £2,365."
Parents warned un-checked child Queen pictured back at work after
benefit could now face £100 fine
WHETHER you’re self-employed Child benefit is worth £84.60 a recovering from Covid battle
or not, if you’re earning over £50,000 month for the first child - or just over
and claim child support, you must £1,000 a year - and £56 a month for A new picture shows the Queen
tell HMRC about your earnings an extra child. holding virtual audiences as she
and repay any tax back under the The HICBC, which came into force recovers from Covid.
High Income Child Benefit Charge around a decade ago, means if either Her Majesty felt well enough to
(HICBC). To do this you need to file parent earns over £50,000 then they speak to foreign diplomats after
a tax return and the extended dead- have to repay some of the benefit in postponing a number of similar
engagements last week.
line end on February 28. the form of a tax charge. This is paid There were concerns for the
This was initially January 31, at a rate of 1% of every £100 earned frail 95-year-old monarch after
however HMRC extended the cut- over this amount. she tested positive on February
off date due to Covid. Anyone that If either parent earns £60,000 or 20.
misses the new deadline could face more the full amount must be repaid Buckingham Palace said at the
a £100 on-the-spot fine as well as at the end of each year. time she was experiencing ‘mild
penalty charges on top of any money If you fail to file a self-assessment cold-like symptoms’.
owed. tax return you could be fined up to On Tuesday, she received His
Around 1.5million tax returns we 30% of what you owe by HMRC. Excellency Mr Carles Jordana Ma-
outstanding as of the deadline day, A late filing penalty of £100 also dero via videolink from her Wind-
sor Castle home.
HMRC said, though not all of these applies and if it's more than three He presented the Letters of
are parents as you have to complete months lat, interest starts to be Recall of his predecessor and
if you're self-employed too. charged on outstanding balances. his own Letters of Credence as
Around 1.6million are set to be The value of the fine can be up to ambassador from the Principali- She also welcomed His Excel- Credence as ambassador from the
affected by the tax charge this year 30% of the amount, unless you have ty of Andorra to the Court of St lency Mr Kedella Younous Hami- Republic of Chad to the Court of
around one in five families. a "reasonable excuse". James’s. di, who presented his Letters of St James’s.
UK’s most wanted woman Sarah Panitzke arrested in Spain
A fraudster dubbed the UK’s most role” in the scam, moving millions tional deputy director Tom Dowdall
wanted woman has been arrested through offshore bank accounts. said: “Sarah Panitzke has been on
in Spain after nearly a decade on She had been the subject of a num- the run for almost nine years. Given
the run. Sarah Panitzke, 47, disap- ber of “most wanted” appeals to find the length of time, she might have
peared in May 2013 while on trial fugitives since she vanished. The thought we had stopped searching,
over her part in laundering cash Spanish Guardia Civil said she was but she remained on our radar.
from a £1bn mobile phone tax scam. tracked down to a town near Barce- “Joint working between UK law
She was arrested while walking lona in 2015, but she became aware enforcement and our partners in
her dogs in Santa Barbara, Tarrago- of the police operation to arrest her, Spain led to her being apprehend-
na, on Sunday, the National Crime so disguised herself and managed to ed, and we will now seek her extra-
Agency (NCA) said. Panitzke, orig- flee. Last month, she was traced to dition back to the UK to serve her
inally from Fulford, York, was con- the small town of Santa Barbara and prison sentence. “This should serve
victed and sentenced in her absence put under surveillance until her ar- as a warning to others on our most
to eight years in jail.Simon York, rest. Extradition proceedings have wanted list – we will not rest until
from HM Revenue and Customs, started to bring her back to the UK, you are captured, no matter how
said Panitzke had played a “pivotal the NCA said. The agency’s interna- long it takes.”