Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1095
P. 32

Londra Gazete, 03 March 2022                                                                                        9

                                                                        New regulations from Government

                                                                          to crack down on ‘botched’ botox

                                                                         THE government is set to im-
                                                                      pose new licence requirements
                                                                      on unregulated cosmetic surgery
                                                                      providers in an effort to battle
                                                                      ‘botched botox’ procedures.
                                                                        Changes to Health and Care le-
                                                                      gislation will be made on Tuesday
                                                                      which give the government’s he-
                                                                      alth secretary powers to enforce
                                                                      a new licencing regime for botox
                                                                      and fillers.
                                                                        The move follows a ban on
          Pregnancy risk tool cuts baby                               these procedures for under 18s
                                                                      in England and comes amid an
         loss in ethnic minority women                                “unacceptable” rise in people be-
                                                                      ing  mentally  and  physically  har-  The scope and scale of the new   Work is also being done by the
          A  new pregnancy screening tool  limited.                   med following these procedures.  regulation and licence require-  Medicines and Healthcare pro-
         cuts the risk of baby loss among   The new digital tool, which uses   The new law will make it illegal  ments are yet to be determined  ducts Regulatory Agency on the
         women from black, Asian and ethnic  an algorithm to calculate a woman's   for these treatments to be admi-  but  the government  said  it will  potential to bring certain devices,
         minority(BAME) backgrounds to the  personal risk, can detect high-risk   nistered  without  a  licence  and  seek to introduce “consistent  such as dermal fillers without a
         same level as white women, research  women more accurately and prevent   will ban adverts on all forms of  standards”  and  hygiene  and  sa-  medical purpose, in scope of me-
         suggests.                     complications in pregnancy, the re-  media which target under 18s.  fety standards.          dical device regulations.
          The app calculates a woman's indi-  searchers say.
         vidual risk of pregnancy problems.  Both pregnant women and mater-
          In a study of 20,000 pregnant  nity staff can upload information on   `
         women, baby death rates in ethnic  their pregnancy and how they are
         groups were three times lower than  feeling to the app during antenatal   Experts warn 'Misleading' baby
         normal when the tool was used. Ex-  appointments and at other times.
                                         In the study, there were nearly 8
         perts say the new approach can help   baby deaths per 1,000 births among  food labels are confusing parents
         reduce health inequalities.
          The screening tool is already in use  mothers from ethnic minority back-
         at St George's Hospital in London  grounds, compared with 2.63 deaths   NEW  parents  are  being  war-  direct health benefit, known as  completely free from sugar, it is
         and is being tried out at three oth-  per 1,000 births among white moth-  ned  to  be  mindful  of  'mislea-  the 'healthy halo effect'.  feared.
         er maternity units in England, with  ers, when the current checklist was   ding' marketing tactics used by   Some  products  described as   University of Glasgow resear-
         hopes it could be rolled out to 20 cen-  used to assess risk.  baby food makers.             having 'vegetable tastes' can ac-  chers analysed 724 baby foods
         tres within two years.          But in pregnant women using the   Experts say promotional ma-  tually contain a higher propor-  - intended for infants up to 12
          In the UK, pregnancy risks are  algorithm tool, there was no differ-  terial on the packaging of pro-  tion of fruit which are naturally  months - sold by Aldi, Amazon,
         much higher for women from ethnic  ence in baby death rates between   ducts is confusing parents and  more sugary.        Asda, Lidl, Tesco, Sainsbury's,
         minority backgrounds.         white and non-white ethnic groups,   fuelling childhood obesity.  Wording like 'no added su-  Waitrose, and Morrisons.
          The current system of a tick-box  because three out of four deaths   The wording is largely unregu-  gar' could also lead parents to   It comes as the baby food mar-
         checklist  to  assess  pregnancy  risk  linked  to  placenta  problems  had   lated and often implies some in-  wrongly believe  that  items  are   ket in the UK booms, growing
         has been around for 70 years, and is  been avoided.
                                                                                                                                   2.5 per cent a year, with the
                                                                                                                                   market predicted to reach £1bil-
          Sickle cell patients given new ‘life-                                                                                    lion by 2024.
                                                                                                                                     But experts say the absence of
             saving’ treatment on the NHS                                                                                          any legally binding regulations
                                                                                                                                   for the composition and promo-
          A  A new “life-changing” treat-  year will be eligible for the treat-                                                    tion of manufactured baby foo-
         ment has been rolled out to sickle  ment.                                                                                 ds mean the market is 'somet-
         cell patients through the NHS which   According to the NHS, as many as                                                    hing of a free-for-all'.
         will benefit thousands of people liv-  5,000 people will be treated over the                                                The survey, published in the
         ing with the illness.         next three years as a result of this                                                        Archives of Disease in Childho-
          The new treatment, crizanlizum-  deal – much earlier than would have                                                     od, revealed baby food products
         ab,  will  reduce  chronic pain and  otherwise been possible.                                                             products sold  in  the  UK  had  a
         trips to A&E while improving pa-  Sickle cell disease is a serious and                                                    total of 6,265 promotional cla-
         tients’ quality of life, healthcare  lifelong health condition causing                                                    ims, with an average of nine per
         providers have said.          severe pain and organ failure often                                                         product. Some carried up to 17.
          Loury Mooruth, 62, from Wal-  requiring hospital admissions.                                                               The main composition claim
         sall in the West Midlands, is one of   Living with this condition can                                                     was 'organic', nutrient claims
         the first people to receive the drug  make it difficult for many patients                                                 were  mainly around  'no  added'
         at Birmingham NHS Trust – the  to continue in their jobs or other                                                         or 'less' sugar, and the most
         first new treatment for the disease  everyday activities.                                                                 common health claim was about
         in over two decades. Crizanlizum-  This new treatment will initially                                                      the role of iron in supporting
         ab, delivered by a transfusion drip,  only be  made available to  around                                                  normal cognitive development.
         works by binding to a protein in the  300 patients but will be extended                                                     More  than  half  of  the  items
         blood cells to prevent the restriction  to 450 in future years after the de-                                              referenced nutritional benefits,
         of blood and oxygen supply that  cision by the National Institute for                                                     with claims of 'no added' or 'less'
         leads to a sickle cell crisis.   Health and Care Excellence (Nice),                                                       sugar and/or salt present on ne-
          People aged over 16 who suffer  which recommended the drug be                                                            arly 60 per cent.
         from multiple sickle cell crises every  available on the NHS.
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