Page 39 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1095
P. 39
2 Londra Gazete, 03 March 2022
‘Beyond Borders’ art
exhibition held in London
MIART Gallery London, one of
the important modern art cen-
tres of London, has opened the
exhibition where the works of 7
artists were introduced.
The exhibition named ‘Beyond
Day-Mer to celebrate Borders’ is now open for art lov-
ers to visit between February 14
and March 18.
International Women's Day guests were given a private
On Thursday, February 24
DAY-MER is organizing an event struggle. With our enthusiasm, our showing of the ‘Beyond Borders’
to celebrate March 8, International slogans, we will turn every place exhibition. The reception was
Women's Day. An evening event into the field of March 8th. On attended Turkish Ambassador
will be held at Day-Mer this year on Saturday, March 5; “We defend life to London Ümit Yalçın, as well
Saturday, 5 March. In a statement against crisis, exploitation and vi- members of the Turkish-speaking
they said: “The Covid-19 pandemic olence! With the slogan, we invite community, business people and
has either ended or suspended a lot you to our 8 March International art lovers.
of things over the past two years. Working Women's Day Festival, The exhibition featured
However, in the women's calendar, which we will hold at the Lon- works by Ardan Özmenoğlu,
International Working Women's Beata Dencikowska, Dariusz
Day made solidarity more compul- don Community Centre between Dencikowski, Ece Abay Kerci, Ece
sory than yesterday. The pandem- 7pm-10pm.Give voice to our voice, Güvenç Erdinç, Emre Namyeter
ic has exacerbated the difficulties strengthen our strength!” The event and Kadir Akyol.
women are already facing, from will included performances from The exhibition is being held at
homeschooling and working from Day-Mer woman’s choir as well as 31-32 St James’s St, St. James’s
home, to job losses and increased artwork delay by its members we Street, Mayfair, London, SW1A
domestic abuse... “This year, as well as talks with guests. The event 1HE and within walking distance
every year, we call on all women to will be taking place at 22 Moorefield from Green Park and Piccadilly
defend our rights and increase the Road, London N17 6PY. train stations.