Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1117
P. 35

6                                                                              Londra Gazete, Thursday 03 September 2020

            Johnson: UK-EU Brexit deal                                 Commons Speaker warns MPs not
                        “very difficult”                                 to name member accused of rape

                BORIS  Johnson has admit- just  weeks to    nd  a  solution   COMMONS  Speaker Sir Lind-
            ted the UK is currently heading  to avoid a crash-out Brexit on   say Hoyle has warned MPs not to
            for  a no-deal  Brexit,  with  an  1 January and massive disrup-  "name" the  Conservative accused

            agreement now “very di cult”  tion, he warned.            of rape.
            as the two sides dig in and re-  David Frost, Britain’s chief

            fuse to compromise.        negotiator, and Michel Barni-     e MP in his 50s was arrested
             In a new gloomy summary of   er, his EU counterpart, were   on 1 August on suspicion of four
            the state of the talks, No 10 de-  holding informal talks in Lon-  separate incidents, involving alle-
            scribed a deal as only “still pos-  don on Tuesday, but with little   gations of sexual o ences and as-

            sible” – with a strong attack on   apparent hope of reviving the   sault.
            the EU’s failure to give ground.  negotiations.             His bail has been extended to
             “An agreement is still possi-
            ble and this is still our goal, but   Brussels has also ruled out   the middle of November. Sir Lind-

            it is clear it will not be easy to   detailed talks on  sh without   say told the Commons that the ac-
            achieve,” the prime minister’s   UK concessions on quota shar-  cused had "voluntarily agreed not
            spokesperson said.         ing, to enable EU boats to con-  to attend the House of Commons

             He con rmed Brussels was   tinue to catch in British waters.  for the period of the bail".  He said that all members have  something they say in Parliament.

            refusing to discuss British pro-   e Downing Street spokes-  Speaking to the House of Com-
            posals on future  shing quotas   person pointed to the EU’s in-  mons  before the   rst  session  of   access to an independent sexual   However Sir Lindsay warned

            until it had received a state aid  sistence on “continuity in state                      misconduct advisory service, add-  MPs that "while the investigation
            plan – something London has  aid” as the key stumbling block   the new parliamentary term, Sir  ing: "   ey should not hesitate to  is ongoing, I believe that it would
            so far refused to set out.  but said the UK’s proposals   Lindsay said: "I, the House of Com-  use it."                 be wholly inappropriate for any
              e stance made it “very dif- would only be published “in   mons Commission, and the House   Members of the Houses of Com-  further reference to be made to

             cult to make progress”, with  due course”.               Service, take the safety of our sta    mons and Lords bene t from par-  this matter in the House, including

                                                                      and the parliamentary community  liamentary privilege which means  an attempt to name the member
                                                                      as a whole very seriously."    they can be legally protected for  concerned."
                                                                         OECD: UK worst hit among major economies

                                                                           THE  UK was the hardest hit by  month period as coronavirus lock-  Spain was the next worst hit,
                                                                         Covid-19 among major economies  down measures pushed the coun-  with a decline of 18.5%. Among

                                                                         from April to June, the Organisa-  try o cially into recession.  other G7 nations, second-quarter
                                                                         tion for Economic Co-operation   Its 20.4% contraction was well  GDP declined by 13.8% in France,
                                                                         and Development (OECD) has said.  above the 9.8% drop for the 37  while Italy, Canada and Germany
                                                                           Its economy su ered its biggest  OECD nations as a whole, the  su  ered falls of 12.4%, 12% and

                                                                         slump  on record  over  the  three-  think tank said.     9.7% respectively.

                                                                       £2bn Kickstart job scheme launches

         ‘Self-isolation payment’ for low-                              THE  government is urging  rms

                        income workers                                to sign up for a scheme to create
                                                                      work placements for young people
                                                                      who are at risk of becoming long-
             WORKERS on low incomes in  suming they also qualify for the   term  unemployed,  just as many
         parts of England where there are  payment.                   companies are shrinking their
         high  rates  of  coronavirus  will  be   Anyone else who is told to   workforces.
         able to claim up to £182 if they  self-isolate by NHS contact tracers   It  comes  as  the  Federation  of
         have to self-isolate.         and meets the quali cation criteria   Small Businesses lobby group

          From  Tuesday,  those who claim   will also be entitled to £13 a day -   warned that more government ac-
         Universal Credit or Working Tax   about the same as statutory sick   tion was needed to prevent a "lost
         Credit and cannot work from home   pay - for however long they must   generation" of young people.
         will be able to get the money - equal   self-isolate.           e Kickstart scheme will o er "a

         to £13 a day.                    e payment, announced by     future of opportunity and hope",

           e bene t will be trialled in   Health Secretary Matt Hancock on   according to the Treasury, by o er-

         parts of north-west England  rst.   ursday, applies to bene t claim-  ing government-subsidised roles to

          Greater Manchester Mayor Andy                               thousands of under-24-year-olds.
         Burnham said the payment "goes   ants who live in areas where there   Businesses can join the scheme   claiming Universal Credit may be    e government aims to have the

         nowhere near far enough", adding   are high numbers of coronavirus   from Wednesday, with the state   eligible. Government  gures sug-   rst placements on o er from No-

         people need "full pay".       cases.                         paying  employers  £1,500  to  help   gest that there are already more  vember.

          Employed or self-employed peo-   e England-wide scheme will   set up support and training.

         ple who test positive for the virus   begin with a trial in Blackburn   Chancellor Rishi Sunak said it   than half a million people who fall    e government will fund each
         are required to isolate for 10 days,   with Darwen, Pendle and Oldham,   was an "opportunity to kickstart   into this category.  Kickstart job - paying 100% of the

         so those eligible for the extra mon-  where there have been tighter lock-  the careers of thousands of young   Jobcentre sta  will identify peo-  age-relevant National Minimum
         ey will get £130.             down measures after a rise in cases.  people who could otherwise be left   ple at risk of long-term unemploy-  Wage, National Insurance and pen-
          But members of the household of   If the payment is successful it   behind as a result of the pandem-  ment to refer to the scheme, and  sion  contributions  for a  25-hour
         someone who has tested positive,  will be "quickly" rolled out to other   ic".              Jobcentre work coaches will sup-  a week. Employers can top up pay
         who must self-isolate for 14 days,  areas where there are lots of cases,   Anyone between the age of 16  port candidates before and after  out of their own pockets, or extend
         will be entitled to up to £182, as-  the Department of Health said.  and 24 who is out-of-work and  their placement.       the hours if they wish.
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