Page 33 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1117
P. 33

8                                                                              Londra Gazete, Thursday 03 September 2020

         Police remove 17 weapons from central

            London over Bank Holiday weekend

          A     total  of  17  weapons  were  from the Central West Gangs Unit  violence.”

         seized by o cers from the Central  said: “   is result is the combined   If you are worried about some-
         West BCU during proactive patrols  e  orts of many teams including  one, advice and support is available
         over the Bank Holiday weekend.  the Violent Crime Taskforce, Safer   through organisations including

          O cers from across Hammer-   Neighbourhood Teams, response   Knife Free: https://www.knifefree.
         smith and Fulham, Kensington  o   cers, Gangs Unit and our Vio-  and  Fear-
         and Chelsea and Westminster  lence Suppression Units.        less:
         seized the items during weapon   “Tackling violence is our top pri-
         sweeps, vehicle searches and stop  ority and from proactive policing   You can also visit our website for
         and searches.                 during a busy weekend for Lon-  further information: www.met.

           e  weapons  included  a variety  don, our streets are now safer and Or alter-
         of knives, baseball bats and an iron  a signi  cant amount of knives and  natively you can call the independ-
         bar.                          weapons have been removed, no  ent charity Crimestoppers anony-
          Detective Inspector Yasser Awad  doubt preventing further acts of  mously on 0800 555 111."
                                                                                                        90 Extinction Rebellion
         Safi brother’s abduction: 13 arrested                                                              protests arrested in

                                                                        All four were arrested on suspi-
                                                                      cion of  being involved in abduc-        London protested
                                                                      tion of the Sa  brothers, and are

                                                                      thought  to  be known  to the  sus-  EXTINCTION Rebellion pro-  Scotland Yard said o ences in-

                                                                      pect, Imran Sa .                  tests are set to resume in Lon-  cluded assaulting an o cer, ob-

                                                                        Anyone that ha information on   don despite dozens of people be-
                                                                      the  whereabouts  of  the  missing   ing arrested on the group's  rst   structing police and public order

                                                                      brother or  may know  where they   day of action.             breaches.
                                                                      have been since the 20 August is   Climate change protesters will   Further events are planned to
                                                                      asked to call 99 or anonymously   return to Parliament Square in   take place up until September
                                                                      contact the charity Crimestoppers   Westminster on Wednesday,   10 across the city, including a
                                                                      on freephone 0800 555 111         while  a demonstration  is also   "carnival of corruption" outside
                                                                        Police have warned that any     planned for outside Buckingham   the Treasury, and the "walk of
                                                                      member of the public who may see                              shame" near the Bank of Eng-
          POLICE       are looking for the   A total of 13 people have been   Imran Sa  should avoid approach-  Palace.             land.

         whereabouts of Bilal, Mohammed  arrested in relation to the violent   ing him but call police immediately   It comes after at least 90 peo-  Last year, more than 1,700 ar-
         Ebrar and Mohammed Yaseen     abduction of three brothers but  on 999.                         ple were arrested on Tuesday as
         Sa  after their  farther Imran Sa      police are still hunting the missing                    thousands of campaigners de-  rests  were made during  Extinc-

         abducted them from their foster   children and suspect.                                        scended on Parliament Square,  tion Rebellion's 10-day "Autumn
         home.                           On Saturday 29 August police                                   blocking roads and bringing traf-  Uprising", which saw major dis-

          Detectives investigating the ab-                                                               c to a standstill.         ruption across the UK
         duction of Bilal, Mohammed Ebrar   arrested a 31-year-old man on sus-
                                       picion of conspiracy to abduct a
         and Mohammed Yaseen Sa  - aged

         six,  ve and three, who were be-  child. He has since been released

         lieved to have been forcefully tak-  under investigation.
         en from their foster home in south   Just the day before four men                               Convicted rapist jailed for
         London by their father Imran Sa      aged between 21 and 41- were sub-

         on  ursday, August  20, have re-  sequently released and are due to                         exposed himself at bus stops
         covered the Nissan car believed to  return on bail to a south London
         have been used but so far he has  police station on a date in early                           A     convicted rapist who exposed   When he was caught by o cers

         eluded their grasp.           September.                                                    himself repeatedly to women at  from the Met’s Roads and Trans-
                                                                                                     bus stops in south London was   port Policing Command on June 1,
                                                                                                     branded a “very dangerous man”   he told them: “You know, it’s not
         Man jailed for 19 years for Leyton murder                                                   as he was locked up for three years.  like I weren’t expecting you.”
                                                                                                       Leslie Malcolm, 57, carried out

                                                                                                     a campaign of  ashing o ences

          Yi     Xing Song, 54 pleaded guilty   Enquiries were launched after Li-  tacted friends in the  UK asking   between December 2019 and May
         to the  murder  of 35-year-old Li-  Qing was found with multiple stab  them to check on her sister’s wel-  this year, often making eye contact
         Qing Wang at the Old Bailey on  injuries at the address in Leyton on  fare.                 with  his  victims  while  touching
         Tuesday, 1 September – he was  Tuesday, 25 February.           Detective Chief Inspector Paul   himself.
         sentenced to life imprisonment   Enquiries established that Li-  Considine, who led the investiga-  Inner London crown court heard
         with a minimum term of 19 years.   Qing and Song were in a relation-  tion, said: “ is incident has left   today that Malcolm has two previ-

          Song  had  been  charged  on  ship and residing at the same ad-  a large number of victims in its   ous convictions for rape, including
         Wednesday, 26 February.       dress.                         wake, Li-Qing’s children have lost   a 1996 attack on a woman at a bus
          He was remanded in custody     Li-Qing was a widow and mother                              stop.

         and at a number of court hearings  of two children aged 22 and 12 at   their mother, and her family in   “ is is a very dangerous man
         was referred for psychiatric assess-  the time of her death.   China are left with the most hor-  in my view”, said Recorder Stuart

         ment.                           On the day of the murder, Song   ri c  nal image of her due to the   Trimmer QC, sentencing Malcolm
          Having been found competent,  had posted an image of Li-Qing’s   callous actions of Yi Xing Song in   to 36 months in prison. Malcolm
         he appeared at the Old Bailey on  body on a family social media chat  sending a picture of her body to her   targeted his victims in Brixton, as
         Tuesday,  1  September where  he  group which was seen by her sister  family chat group, which included   they waited near to KFC, H&M,
         pleaded guilty to the murder.   in China, who immediately con-  her father...”              and the Prince of Wales pub.
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