Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1117
P. 32

Londra Gazete, Thursday 03 September 2020                                                                           9

                                                                          Homemade cotton masks can prevent

                                                                                  99.9% of coronavirus droplets

                                                                           MORE      evidence has emerged   What's more, even the home-  'However, when we looked spe-
                                                                          that wearing masks can prevent an  made single-layer cotton mask  ci  cally at those larger droplets
                                                                          infected person from spreading the  reduced the number of infectious  that  are  thought  to  be  the  most
                                                                          novel coronavirus to others.  droplets by more than 1,000-fold.  dangerous we discovered that even
                                                                           A new study found that home-   e team, from the University of   the simplest handmade single-lay-

                                                                          made cotton face coverings stop  Edinburgh's Roslin Institute in the   er  cotton  mask  is  tremendously
                                                                          99.9 percent of contagious drop-  UK, says the  ndings show the im-  e  ective.'

                                                                          lets from spraying into the air  portance of wearing a face covering   Dr Paul Digard, the Chair of Vi-
                                                                          when someone coughs or speaks -  in public so that, if you are infected   rology at the University of Edin-
                                                                          and surgical masks prevented 100  with COVID-19, you are not sick-
                                                                          percent of droplets.        ening others.                burgh said :'Wearing a face cover-
                                                                           Tests showed a person standing   'We knew face masks of various   ing will reduce the probability that
         Shake diet offered on NHS to                                     six feet away from someone with-  materials are e ective to a di er-  someone unknowingly infected

                                                                                                                                   with the virus will pass it on.'
                                                                          out a mask was up to 1,000 times  ent extent in   ltering small drop-
                  fight type 2 diabetes                                   greater risk of inhaling droplets  lets,' said lead researcher Dr Ig-  Several reports have found that
                                                                          than someone standing 1.5 feet  nazio Maria Viola, a reader at the  various types of masks can prevent
                                                                          away from a coughing person wear-  University of Edinburgh's School  droplets from entering the respira-
          THOUSANDS  of diabetics will  England data, and more than 12.3   ing a mask.                of Engineering.              tory system.
         be given access to a soup and  million people in the UK are at risk
         shakes diet plan as the NHS steps  of  developing  the disease.  Being

         up e orts to tackle a condition that  overweight  or  obese  greatly  in-
         costs  the health  service billions a  creases the chances of developing   Honeybee venom 'kills some breast cancer cells'
         year.                         type 2 diabetes.
          Some 5,000 patients will be en-  Professor Jonathan Valabhji,   AUSTRALIAN      scientists say
         couraged to enrol on the weight-  NHS national clinical director for   the venom from honeybees has
         loss programme after NHS England   diabetes and obesity, said: “ is   been found to destroy aggressive

         said results from a trial showed al-  is the latest example of how the   breast cancer cells in a lab setting.
         most half of people who undertook   NHS, through our Long-Term    e venom - and a compound

         the plan saw their type 2 diabetes   Plan, is rapidly adopting the lat-  in it called melittin - were used
         go into remission after a year.  est evidence-based treatments to   against two cancer types which are
          As part of the year-long plan,
         patients who have been diagnosed   help people stay  well, maintain a   hard to treat: triple-negative and
                                       healthy weight and avoid major
         with the condition in the last six                              e discovery has been described

         years and meet other eligibility cri-  diseases...”          as "exciting", but scientists caution

         teria will be given so-called “total    e new diet plan came after a   that further testing is needed.
         diet replacement products” such as   recent trial revealed body mass in-  Breast cancer is the most com-
         shakes and soups for three months.  dex (BMI) is a much more powerful   mon cancer a ecting women

          Earlier this summer, it was an-  risk factor for type 2 diabetes than
         nounced people at risk of develop-  genetics.                around the world.
                                                                        While there are thousands of
         ing type 2 diabetes would be able to   Most cases of the disease could   chemical compounds which can
         self-refer to specialist services in a   either be prevented or reversed    ght  cancer  cells  in  a  lab  setting,

         bid to curb one of the biggest risk  if someone’s BMI was kept be-  scientists say there are few which

         factors in Covid-19 deaths.   low their personal cut-o  point at   can be produced as treatment for
          A third of people who died in  which abnormal blood sugar levels
         hospital with the virus had dia-  are triggered, an expert behind the   humans.             tist described the research as "in-  nature can be used to treat human
                                                                        Bee venom has previously been
         betes, according to Public Health  study said.                                              credibly exciting".            diseases."
                                                                      found to have anti-cancer proper-  "Signi cantly, this study demon-  But the researchers warn more

                                                                      ties for other types of cancer such   strates how melittin interferes   work is needed to see if the venom
                                                                      as melanoma.                   with signalling pathways within   could actually work on scale as a
                                                                         e study by the Harry Perkins   breast cancer cells to reduce cell   cancer- ghting drug.

           Male suicides reach highest                                Institute  of  Medical  Research  in   replication," said Prof Peter Klink-  "It's very early days," said Associate
                                                                                                                                      Other cancer researchers concur.
                                                                      Western Australia was published
                       rate in 20 years                               in Nature Precision Oncology, a   en.                         Prof Alex Swarbrick, from the Gar-
                                                                      peer-reviewed journal.
                                                                                                       "It provides another wonderful  van Institute of Medical Research
                                                                        Western Australia's chief scien-  example of where compounds in  in Sydney.
            MALE    suicides in England and  women, the rate was 5.3 deaths
           Wales were at their highest rate  per 100,000 - the highest since

           in two decades last year, o cial  2004, but again consistent with
            gures show.                the previous year.              Price of plastic carrier bags set to double next year

             e suicide rate for women was   In total, there were 5,691 su-
           also the highest since 2004, ac-  icides registered in England
           cording to data from the O ce   and Wales in 2019, with an   THE  government is to double  that the current 5p levy, which ap-  wildlife, which is why we are taking

           for National Statistics (ONS).  age-standardised rate of 11   the charge for single-use plastic  plies to any retailer employing 250  bold and ambitious action to tackle
            Men accounted for around                                  carrier bags in England from 5p  or more people, had led to a 95%   this issue head-on.

           three-quarters of suicide deaths   deaths per 100,000 population.  to 10p and end the exemption for  cut in plastic bag use in England’s   “ e UK is already a world leader

           registered in 2019 - 4,303 com-  Across all age groups, men aged   smaller shops from April 2021, as  major supermarkets since 2015.  in this global e ort, and our carri-

           pared with 1,388 women.     45 to 49 had the highest suicide   it steps up e orts to tackle plastic   Announcing the doubling of the   er bag charge has been hugely suc-
             e male suicide rate of 16.9   rate at 25.5 deaths per 100,000,   pollution.             charge and its extension following   cessful in taking billions of harmful

           deaths per 100,000 people was  while the highest rate among   Since  the  introduction  of  the  a consultation, the environment   plastic bags out of circulation. But
           the highest since 2000, but is  women was 50 to 54-year-olds at   charge in October 2015, shoppers  secretary, George Eustice, said:   we want to go further by extending

           in line with 2018's  gures. For  7.4 deaths per 100,000.   have used billions fewer thin-gauge  “We have all seen the devastating
                                                                      plastic shopping bags.         impact plastic bags have on the  this to all retailers so we can con-
                                                                        Recent government data revealed  oceans and on precious marine  tinue to cut unnecessary waste.”
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